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To many breeds


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Our fish's are just going nuts at the moment this is what we have in the way of fry or fish holding in the last 3 months

1 Spawn of brichardi's

3 spawns of aruatus

1 spawn of electic yellows

2 spawns of bumble bees/hornets and female holding again

dolphin currently holding

bristlenose fry

and looks like a couple of kenyis are holding.

Bigest problem is not enough tanks, and having to do water changes everynight and have tests at uni this week so not at home to feed all the fry, i wish i had a little slave boy to do the water changes and feed the fish for me

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its good they work for peanuts and not cashews, cause darn theyre expensive :lol:

ive managed to train my little sister to feed them all and ive made her do a water change under my supervision a few times so she knows what to do if i ever needed one done. so in short small siblings are also great slaves, mine works for chocolate most of the time :D

hope all the fry do ok with you being out at uni a bit :)

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i have a few fish holding/bred too

I have holding:

1 auratus

1 lombardoi

I have with eggs sacks:

60 auratus from one drop :o

50 yellows from 2 drops

10 OB zebras

And about 80 other fish under 2cm :)

Dolphins can be a pain to breed, they hardly ever hold full term, i got the eggs off mine and got 99% up to 5cm

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lol to young to have kids at the mo, well to young for me some of you oldies would have had kids by my age (21) i'll just have to visit www.i.need.a.little.slave.for.water.cha ... eanuts.com or o'll have to invest in a barrel and pump so i dont have to carry buckets.

Best "investment" I've made this year is the super syphon thing that attaches to the sink faucet. No spill water changes and no buckets. $22 wasn't going to part with it but it's excellent.

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The best "Investment" I bought is a Siphon from 2 dollar shop, I attached a small empty plastic bottle of Water Ager with the bottom cut out at the sucking end and a long hose on the other that goes straight out of my window, the plastic bottle acts like a gravel vacuum and the best part is the Siphon only cost me 1$.

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Ive just started shyphoning the water out the window and chucking the garden hose in the tank.. Have been doing about 25% water changes and there haven't been any problems.

I think there must be something in the water atm, we have a few breeds nothing exciting thou.

Just yellows

OB zebra

ice blue

it looks like the 2 red zebras are going to breed in the next day or so same with the johanni..

So might have to setup some more tanks in the future

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Hi! sounds like your having fun with the breeding!!!

The person who sells the water changing siphon which attaches to a tap and will both syphon the water out and add water as well is MIKEFISH he's not selling any at the moment but they often on there.

Cheers, erica

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Yeah thats where I got mine from - It is a bit rickety tho and I did have to spend as much again on a fitting so that the american product would fit my English faucet - or was that the other way round? :roll: But it hasn't broken yet as I thought it would so I would buy it again unless I could find a stronger one.

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Now I feel old cos both my kids are over 21 (and I was under it when I had at least 1 of them) :roll:

I remember I spent my 21st at home with a screaming 3 month old and wondering what on earth I had got myself into. I still haven't found the answer but at least both kids have left home (and don't scream so much) so I can ponder in peace :lol:

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lol kids are like vacumm cleaners they suck up any time/money you have lieing around!!

but they are great at getting your partner to the lfs kids love the fish shops and of course once you are there you have to buy something its part of the vacumm cleaner thing!

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