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Good bye Copper band


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:cry: That's how i lost my first Naso.

Got home from work, asked everyone in the house - have they seen my naso today. Looked everywhere arround the tank, in the tank. Then l lifted the stream out and found him stuck to it. :evil: fish heaven is getting real busy.

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I lost a lot of fish lately and i think it is the way they are caught or quarantined as the death rate is high not to mention the money going down the drain.They just dont live no matter what you do or how god your tank is.As for getting stuck on the streams that only ever happened in my tank when the fish is weak,sick or dieing.My fish think the streams are great fun.

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yeah? will this stop them getting stuck?

Well in short yes.

also stops them getting blocked as easy, and sucking air from the surface depending on how high you have them.

Flows better to i think, i have also cut the front of all mine off, current is not as strong but it is spread out way more.

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I see the Tunze Nanostream has 'a fish care function in case of motor stall'.

Since the intake is spherical, does this mean your fish has to wrap around it totally before it stalls?

All Controllable streams have fish care function, what that means is when you have two, the second stream will rotate the impeller every minute or so until it is going full on again.

Only the nano 6055 can this, the other nanos can not be controlled as they stay on all the time like a powerhead.

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If you really want to adopt the farmboy approach get some perforated 4" novaflow, cut to the length of the stream, slice down the middle, and place as a sleeve over the stream. Not as aesthetically pleasing to the eye as some things in the tank but even anemones have trouble getting 'sucked in'.

:o:o:o :lol: :lol:

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