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Everything posted by Caper

  1. I'll have to check that out Sophia :thup: Caper
  2. My son Ryan is going to take Cola :happy2: :happy2: I'm so glad. I was really nervous about finding a home for her where she would get lots of love and I know Ryan and his girlfriend will give Cola lots of love Feeling bad about keeping her in the bedroom still, but my 2 cats are still scared of her. I even took her downstairs in the carrier thinking maybe they would just come along and see she couldn't hurt them. Ginger came strolling into my livingroom...spotted Cola (in carrier and being quiet)...Ginger stopped dead in her tracks, hissed then took to her hiding spot Caper
  3. Great!!! :happy1: :happy1: Caper
  4. Awesome...wait now I mean...AWESOME!!!! Love all pics...but that is so cute of Curious George! Way to go! Caper
  5. Oh Ira :rotf: :rotf: Nice "fish" bling...at least you don't have to do a water change with them :gigl: Caper
  6. Caper

    The What's Up? thread.

    A school trip to the Amazon...WOW Take lots of pics to post! Have fun :thup: Way to go Sophia :bounce: Caper
  7. Caper

    The What's Up? thread.

    Yesterday, June 21st was the first day of summer here Caryl...you should have come over...oh darn, there's that distance thing! Liam, why are you going to the Amazon, vacation, work, ??? Caper
  8. Oh Ira :sml1: :sml1: :sml1: You rascal you know what I meant. AND try, not type, what Caryl wrote..saying it out loud 10 times fast, I tried and failed :sml1: :sml1: Caper
  9. Yes, Caryl short stints are better and the physiotherapist as well as my family doc said it does "all" add up. At one point the physiotherapist suggested several times a day for 2 minutes, but I'm not about to do that. I am up to 10 min. 3 times a day at present. They have told me that exercise in the water would be best for me but that's just not an option at the moment. I do hope we have a nice summer though so I can at least get to the beach. Thanks for those vibes Hali, I'm sure all of us who are/have gone this way appreciate all the good vives we can get. It is definetely a struggle for sure. Tip: I have to eat my breakfast one hour after I take medication (wasn't a problem before because I didn't eat breakfast). But every night, I make my breakfast (to take to work) and my lunch. I find if I have it all ready the night before, then I don't get up with the notion of "I can't be bothered" and go without. WE CAN DO IT! :happy2: Caper
  10. I would like to hear you say that Caryl 10 times fast :slfg: :slfg: Caper
  11. Caper

    The What's Up? thread.

    Where are you going Caryl???? Why an 8 hour power cut? Caper
  12. Oh mcrudd...went back and looked...thread was started last year :oops: Your own gym...what a sweet hubby How's the weight? I love having my daughter's treadmill here! Glad you're out and about Caryl! :thup: :thup: When I went to the pain clinic last October, the doctor wanted me to walk 30 minutes a day. I tried several different times (outside) and after one bout of sciatica that had me laying down for 3 days, I gave up. So the treadmill is a blessing for me. Going to the mall and places, I end up with lots of pain but I can't stay in and not move either! Anyone else??? Caper
  13. Ah, shut off...ah But does this mean they will go on their own now and mate?? Make their own nests?? Thanks mcrudd! Caper
  14. Wow...just checking on them. One already on a branch and another "flew" over. The size of the claws... Sure wouldn't want them piercing my skin! Caper
  15. In the youtube video, is that archer fish?? Thank, Caper
  16. Thanks twinkles Oh I sure hope the ovary was just not formed properly because is she still goes in heat it may deter anyone from taking her if I end up having to give her away I'm keeping Cola in the bedroom for now (and especially since she's healing). I go in and check on her and talk/cuddle with her. I hope they will eventually be ok...just in case I can't find someone to trust with Cola. Caper
  17. Is that the big ball that looks like a big beach ball? How's the healing from the surgery Melanie? I HATE exercising always did even when I wasn't obese. I don't mind doing the treadmill but other stuff :digH: I only do the exercises that the physiotherapist gave me but if she said no more, I'd be quite :happy2: :happy2: I do love swimming but never related that to exercise, maybe that's why I like it :slfg: I was using the stationary bike at work but physiotherapist said to stop. Anyone else with an update? Take care, Caper
  18. Personally I only use the dechlorinator because chlorine is added to our water supply where I live. I too thought Cycle was used when just starting up a tank. Don't know about the stresszyme. Take care, Caper
  19. How's everyone doing???? Take care, Caper
  20. Wow...awesome tank...and awesome house! Can't wait to see the tank with fishies and such in it :spop: Take care, Caper
  21. I joined the forum a few years ago and was off for a couple or so AND yes, someone offering you a tank to help...does not surprise me at all. Sometimes I wish I lived in New Zealand How is Freddy doing? Any pics yet? One of the many things I've learned here is that no matter what we do for our fish, they will die and sometimes without ever knowing why! Sad, but true. Take care! Caper
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