Yes, Caryl short stints are better and the physiotherapist as well as my family doc said it does "all" add up. At one point the physiotherapist suggested several times a day for 2 minutes, but I'm not about to do that. I am up to 10 min. 3 times a day at present. They have told me that exercise in the water would be best for me but that's just not an option at the moment. I do hope we have a nice summer though so I can at least get to the beach.
Thanks for those vibes Hali, I'm sure all of us who are/have gone this way appreciate all the good vives we can get. It is definetely a struggle for sure.
Tip: I have to eat my breakfast one hour after I take medication (wasn't a problem before because I didn't eat breakfast). But every night, I make my breakfast (to take to work) and my lunch. I find if I have it all ready the night before, then I don't get up with the notion of "I can't be bothered" and go without.
WE CAN DO IT! :happy2: