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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. thanks mystic ill do that
  2. its just a url link works for me
  3. when i upload the pic it goes tiny its weird
  4. this is the beast http://www.planetcatfish.com/images/ful ... atus/1.jpg
  5. or its called a Striped Raphael Catfish or Chocolate Catfish russel at hutt pet thought it mite of been a barking catfish
  6. lol funny funny the hard out name for them is Platydoras costatus
  7. does anybody no any thing about barking catfish?
  8. thanks guys for the help sofar!!! yes that is right yeah pritty much my mum said if it goes well and do it properly shell pay for a wall to go around it for some reason i cnt get the photos any bigger when i upload them they go tiny :-?
  9. ok so heres the plan i want to make a shelf of tanks for in my garage but dont no how to do it a simple easy way or a more complicated one complicated one simple one i no that the complicated one is going to cost a hell of a lot more but would be cheaper in the long run as i wouldnt have to buy so many filters and so many heaters the simple one would be cheaper to set up but cost more in the long run due to all the heaters suguestions are what i want so bring em on! Please Cheers
  10. Anthony

    danio eggs

    hey does anybody no if there is any fish that wont eat danio eggs cheers
  11. looks good how much has it costed so far?
  12. welcome bigstatistics to the forum one day all us fish keepers here were like you now look at some of them just amazing! gud luck in the fishkeeping!
  13. bcbetta is awersom they also do bcclowns there fishrooms are outstanding there job is to breed fish its so awersom
  14. i had about 7 tanks in my room all around the 2ft mark i had no problems with it
  15. caryl could be a good story for the AW with the forklift and all
  16. well done radu thats an awersom story goof luck to lucky
  17. wow thats impressive good work freshwest
  18. this would be better in freshwater i think
  19. Anthony


    hi welcome join us in the chatroom about 9pm everynight hope to see u there
  20. now do you see why you got them for free?
  21. looks good, what did you use to make the pictures? cheers
  22. sounds good got any deigns or concepts?
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