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Everything posted by Staplez

  1. Fire, TT, spiney ect will eat what fits in their mouths. I've had Eels that make real good buddies with my bettas and other similar sized fish. I had a very sick betta and my TT stayed by his side the whole time, amazing thing to watch they were both fascinated with each other. But he'd munch a neon or Guppy in a heart beat. Love Eels, very intelligent and great characters.
  2. Are you sure it was the pork and no the coke?
  3. Good stuff, what do your males look like, got any pics? I had a good drop today on the first lot from a virgin female of a new line I'm starting.
  4. I had a tyre track eel which I'd feed usually every 3rd day. He was fine on that diet and now and again he'd wait a week. Eels are pretty hardy creatures and can adapt to very harsh conditions. Their clever little burgers too. I don't think 6 days would stress it out much but it will ravage what ever you feed it after a few days wait.
  5. It would be interesting to have some do let me know if you bring some up to Auckland. I'd be keen to breed and supply some to locals that can't make the trip. I'm pretty strong in the belief they don't hold that wild green colour in captivity especially after your comment about the purple colouration. Like how flamingos are only ping due to their diet of brine shrimp. And farmed salmon are feed carrotine extract to give their flesh a natural peach colour as in the wild their shrimp diet gives them that colour.
  6. They sound quite interesting. I’ve know of them for years but I’m so far from them I can’t pay the swamp a visit unless I’m down there for other reasons. The only fish I know of in my area are Gambusia and nobody wants those. Except maybe some oscar owners and the likes of. But you really shouldn’t remove them unless you intend to give them a quick end.
  7. Is anybody currently keeping these Mollies? I live in Auckland so its a big drive to get down and check them out. Another question do they hold their green colouration after being placed in tanks and/or bred? I ask this cause I’m curious to know if it’s diet of environment that keeps these guys green. I would take punt that they may loose their green after time in captivity or the offspring my be colourless (no green trait).
  8. They had to have been released here as tadpoles within the last 5 or 6 years as the area was all bulldosed virtually to the clay. Then roads went down and houses were built. That or, they made it there somehow via drain pipes. It's hard tracking them down in the suburbs as most ponds/lakes are occupied by carp, eels or patroled by cats and dogs. If of course they aren't polluted
  9. Ok last night a friend told me of a very close location. He lives near by and says the croaking of frogs can be heard from time to time. sure enough i parked where the little blue car is, and the first thing i see is a cat which had caught a 6CM frog. Like i had a chance of rescuing the poor little guy. But i did have a close enough look at it to believe it was a golden bell (don't hold me to that). After this both negative and possitive find i walk to the pond and with my tourch spotted a few little frogs on the opposite edge of where i stood. I'm glad to see them in what appears to be good numbers considering the isolation of this small pond in the middle of the subburbs. I might return when we can expect them to spawn and see how they are doing. I'm more then likely to buy a few taddy's but just maybe keep this little spot in the back of my head. If any body is interested I will PM where it is. As I don't want to advertise it to have every man and his dog go there and remove every last one. Cats seem to be bad enough
  10. Cool I might give them a ring. Any possible places on the north shore?
  11. Hi guys. I'm setting up a habitat for the first time in many years and I’ll be looking for a few green bell tadpoles to start with. I would like to buy them unless there is a place I can catch them, preferably from a well sustained population and no disease.
  12. Cool, I have driftwood, a cave and glass. So i'll give them a bit of cucumber for a treat now and again. Thanks guys
  13. I've decided I'm going to get a pair of BNs for my 3ft tank. I guess I would just like any tips for giving them a comfortable home and a good diet.
  14. I have a Filter that hangs over the back and the is about 2-3cm of open space on the lid. She peed on the lid then it driped into the tank.
  15. My flatmate's cat named Karma is the reason I've finally got myself back into these forums. I've was happily keeping a community in one of my tanks. Until earlier this week she got locked in my room and when she needed to pee it was one of my tanks she went in. All fish but one discus died. Maybe I'll take a picture of her when I start liking her again.
  16. When I first started keeping discus I was could not figure out a wierd clicking noise in my room. As it turned out those buggers make a racket when feeding on colour bits. Now I enjoy hearing them feed.
  17. Albany hollywood fish farm currently have albino guppies in stock.
  18. I have the water level up to the outlet so the water doesn't fall back into the tank and even on full there isn't very much movement. I could turn that down to reduce it even more. If they still don't like it I guess it can be changed for a sponge filter.
  19. I think I have to get a cone for these two. The female is trying to lay eggs on the filter intake pipe. This tank has a over hanging filter. But she isn't having a lot of luck making them stick. some are staying but most are falling off and then eaten by either of them. The male it tring to do his part to but he is bumping off most of the stuck eggs. I know these two are a male and a female as I can see the differences in their junk. Small and pointy, larger and round.
  20. Well they just started again right this minute, I saw the first eggs come out. I will try using the advise I have been given and see what happens.
  21. Haha the contents of this thread have made google come up with Marijuana Surveys. Nauhty google :bounce:
  22. With in the last 2 weeks a pair of discus that I have had for around 3 months spawned twice. Their first attempt was their best with the eggs lasting around 24 hours before being eatten. the second attempt was poor both parent ate the eggs with in 2 hours of laying. But I was very happy to be able find out which was male and female of the pair. I still consider myself very new to discus as these are my fisrt and 3 months is how long I have taken care of them know. I guess I would like a few pointers on taking care of the parents when they spawn and hopefully get some eggs hatching next time around.
  23. I also saw an episode of myth busters which they tought comets to swim through a basic maze to get to the end for food. They took 4 weeks to teach them to do it. But they also raised two very valid points that I'm sure every one here knows. They respond to people when they can see them, and they know a hand above the water means feeding time.
  24. I have only seen females with bent spines but I have seen just as many other deformations in males.
  25. I have a problem with one of mine. If he finds the tank to clean of algae he will eat the slim off of my gouramis. He'll only stop once I've droped some algae in there for him to eat.
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