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Everything posted by cuviceps

  1. cuviceps


    Can anyone help? I have on good authority we have a white eel that lives in our stream/creek. I have yet to see it but would be interested if anyone had seen one - I assume it is a short finned eel. Would it be old to be white(like a lot of other creatures get with age) or just white?
  2. When I had my Keyholes breed, they were approx. 2 inches. But there is no reason why they won't breed at 1.5 inches - I would suspect the first 2 or 3 times they may eat the eggs untill they realise what they are(alot of young cichlids do this untill they mature into good parents). They should have their own tank with a few caves, alot of plants and a few hidey holes to escape from one another. The other option is to seperate them if you don't want the hassles of them attcking Guppy's in defence of their eggs or fry. Cheers Damon.
  3. Came across this site yesterday, has some really interesting info on fish and the likes check it out Cheers damon
  4. Yeah, we carried fish on a plane from Nelson to Hamilton. Not a problem, went on as hand luggage & we dutifully held onto them. Just ring your airline and check on what is classed as hand luggage and weight details. Obviously as hand luggage it needs to be stowed away from foot traffic, eg small chilli bin under seat or on your lap. I am sure if they need to see items in question they will be OK with it. This was about 2 years ago now. Cheers Damon
  5. They may be fat from too much food eg, whiteworms I have found do this do them. How are you sexing them? Is there a definite way to sex them? Do you add salt to your tank? As they are brackish this may help. I had a friend who got them to lay eggs but never a hatching. Good luck if you have success let me know - I have been trying for a while with no luck. Cheers Damon.
  6. cuviceps

    Baby Discus

    They are aprox. 12-15cm in diameter. Home alone in a 4 foot tank by themselves. They spawned again yesterday, so heres hoping for another 100 babies or so!
  7. cuviceps

    Baby Discus

    Approximately the size of a thumb nail, about 80-100 babies.
  8. cuviceps

    Baby Discus

    I've got 3 week old baby discus, Mom is a Blue Diamond, Dad is a Red Turquoise. Already babies are showing reddish dorsal and anal fins. THe tank is 4 foot display tank less all the previous inhabitants I had to catch(after 1 baby dissappeared into a Gold Tetra's tummy!!!). Ph is approx 7, Temp is 26 Celsius. 20-40 litres changed every 2 days. I have only come across 1 dead baby so I am rapt. They get fed off the parents, baby brine shrimps and microworms 4-5 times daily. I tried 10 in a 2 foot tank to see how they would grow compared to being in with their parents. The difference was amazing, the 10 in the tank were so much smaller despite getting so much more brine shrimp than in the parent's tank. So much for what I have read about growing quicker on brine shrimp. Either way I don't mind they are all still growing and looking healthy. They are aprox. the size of a thumb nail. I just moved them into a 2 foot tank as the parents were acting weird last night and looked as though they wanted to spawn. I wasn't prepared to see the babies disappear overnight!!!
  9. Try "minchton" - I know he was breeding them a while ago
  10. Does it look bloated? Any fouled food it may have come across could do this If not it may have "wind", Rainbowfish get this after eating too much to quickly, maybe catfish are the same & hopefully it may pass Either way it may pay to quarantine it, just to be safe!
  11. Try Brian @ the Goldfish Bowl, LFS. Otherwise try The Loot. Do you know the sex of it? if so i may be interested in it.
  12. This isn't the species that gets over a foot long is it?
  13. Andrew as I'm sure you know also - WCMM and Medaka are both on the MAF list of non-allowed fish to be imported. Therefore it is moreso important that you get these fish out to hobbyists our they could be lost from NZ forever- boo hoo cheers D
  14. I'd be keen on some Andrew, as I am sure a few other club members also would be. I know of people who have been looking for years for these. Also Medaka are another fish people are after.
  15. Hi Fee, I've had the same situation as you. What I find happens is normally both females will have eggs within a day or two of each other. I then pull out the male for his safety -females may kill him(This I have read - I ain't prepared to risk my male!!) . Normally also the dominant female will eat other females eggs or fry very quickly. My suggestion would be to move male and non spawning female to another tank and let them do their thing. Fry tank newly hatched brine shrimp once freeswimming. Watch the female after 3-4 weeks she will be ready to spawn again, so remove her or the fry may dissappear. Also try to feed the female as per normal food regime so she doesn't get any hunger pains. Cheers Damon.
  16. I am assuming that after spawning you are removing the male? If not do so! I do this with all dwarf cichlids and normally the female will be ok with freeswimming fry for atleast 3-4 weeks. Then I pull her out as she may be ready to spawn again and may eat the fry!!! Make sure you feed the mother as per normal as if she gets too hungry say byebye to the fry. Sheephead acara's will move the fry a few times untill the fry are freeswimming. If you don't have plants in the tank I suggest you add quite a few - this will make the female feel more safe with her fry as there are hiding places to retreat to. If after all this the fry still disappear you may wish to consider artificially raising the fry - But thats another story!
  17. Try Tropical Blues in Tirau, Fee had some there yesterday. Dependant on what species you are after!
  18. Not a problem, get back to me around Christmas when they should be big enough to sex !!! Assuming you want both sexes.
  19. Got 1 today from Fee - awesome looks like a triple red cockatoo- will go nicely with my 2 males & 3 females I have been growing on. Now atleast my bloodlines will be more diverse for breeding purposes! On that front I have 3 week & 2 week old free swimming baby's about 50-60 all up. Will be nice to see in 4-6 months to see how the colours come out! They should look sweet in my discus tank for colour.
  20. cuviceps

    Hello there

    Hi our names are Damon & Pamlea Flett. We live in Hamilton and have been keeping fish for 5 years now. We currently have a 4 foot display tank with 10 discus, 2 oto's and 2 whiptails in it. I personallly find it a challenge to try and get any type of fish to breed. It has taken us 4 years to actually get guppies & platy's to breed(or stay alive for that matter) due to bore water problems. We have 7 x 2 foot tanks, 2 x 2.5 foot, 1 x 3 foot and 1 x 1 foot tank/s in the garage. These are for attempting to breed fish and raise fry up to sell to support food, more fish and ELECTRICITY. Our main interests in fish are Rainbows, Dwarf cichlids and Catfish. We have registered 27 species of fish & obviously are working on more with the warmer weather coming on. I am the breeding co-ordinator for the Waikato club which is cool as I get to see all the new breedings that the club members have achieved and hopefully gleam info. as to how they accomplished it. We were also lucky enough to be awarded the FNZAS breeding trophy for last year. We both work in graden centres & enjoy spending time with our 3 year old daughter, Sarah. Anyway thats enough from us. Cheers Damon & Pamela.
  21. Yes, the mix should be available as there are different types of aquatic potting mix's on the market(I work in a garden centre). We have aquatic mix over spring/summer for sale from one of our wholesalers who grow aqautic plants for ponds etc. Fee may have different suppliers or grow the plants themselves you may need to check with them as mixes vary quite substantially.
  22. you may also like to set up a 1 foot tank with the same water and temp etc, and do as i do literally pick the eggs out of the mops every 2nd or 3rd days and drop in the 1 footer. or alternately remove the mops to the 1 footer after a week and then add new mops for anywhere upto 3-4 weeks. If the mops are natural or you are using java moss there will be infusoria that the fry can eat off. i use liqifry after 7-1o days and brineshrimp after 2 weeks freeswimming, be careful with Green Water as there may be HYDRA and they will nail your fry very quickly.
  23. clarification on firemouths and convicts these two species WILL cross breed and produce fry therefore why not severums/red devils etc you state man made but as yet no proof, i see Fee's have laid eggs but fungused, tell me this - if parrots are infertile therefore they can't reproduce What happens if they can or some one proves this - as i have been told about (as per man made theory) therefore wouldn't this prove they couldn't be man made hybrids?
  24. they thought it was live food, if you've used live food recently they may have mistaken eggs for FOOD. My Miccrogeophagus ramirezi(Butterfly Dwarf Cichlid) use to do this all the time. Be patient sometimes 4-5 spawnings before a successful hatching. are you sure they haven't sucked out the fry and moves them to a pit somewhere, alot of dwarf cichlids do this.
  25. cuviceps


    Red tailed sharks have been bred before, I saw in an old TFH the FNZAS president currently has. They were bred using hormones, carp species i think, tricky but probably worth a go.
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