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Everything posted by cuviceps

  1. Fee i don't wish to offend yourself or anyone else as i am a new member but i must point out you said parrots are man made - have you got some paperwork or evidence to back this up? as i have seen numerous articles in magazines and internet from people stating no ones knows where they come from. what is to say two species could not have produced Parrots. i have heard of people producing fry from two parrots therefore they could not be sterile. As an example of this firemouths and convicts will produce offspring.
  2. Cobitis species (weather fish) and Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Japenese weather fish) are on MAFs non Approved Species of Ornamental Fish to be imported if these are the fish you are referring to.
  3. They were approx. 7-8cm . Could not distinguish sexes though. To Pegasus about 30 ish fish look under Waikato Aquarium Society on FNZAS Breeding Site - Damon & Pamela Flett. Cheers.
  4. Hi there, I bred these beauties in 2001, contrary to other comments they don't need salt in the water but it may help. I used only live food, daphnia, whiteworms, brineshrimp etc to condition them. Mine always laid eggs in a teracotta flowerpot upsidedown, they were secretive but good parents. I used to get upwards of 50 fry surviving each batch. Raised on brine shrimp solely. Mine were the true green form not colour morph(not E.suratensis) as a matter of interest came from Pets Palace,Nelson. Flew them on a plane to hamilton no problems.
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