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Everything posted by kiwiraka

  1. kiwiraka


    Sorry for any inconvenience, but most of the blackworms have died and I will not be able to send any.
  2. kiwiraka

    New fish :)

    I guess you need to switch to android
  3. kiwiraka


    Hmm, How do you tell the difference between tubifex and black? And are they any different in terms of care and use?
  4. kiwiraka

    New fish :)

    Are you sure it was a BN, if so it would probably be a world record....
  5. kiwiraka


    Lol, okay. Should be disease free ( No history of any parasites or diseases with the goldfish that have been in there for the last 2-3 years. I'll see what I can do tomorrow, tried scooping some out before but they just shoot into the substrate when the water is disturbed, so I'll have to shovel larges amounts of substrate out into buckets to try alanmins suggestion.
  6. kiwiraka


    Lol, I'll have to see how many I can get out of the substrate before I make any commitments. I was under the impression they were common?
  7. kiwiraka


    I'll give it a go, I can't post til wednesday though.
  8. kiwiraka


    Also any tips on getting them out of the substrate in the pond?
  9. kiwiraka


    I might be able to post some to you adrienne, I'd have to use an old fish food container though (Any tips on posting them? Ie full of water, half full? In sand or just loose in the water?) If I had them in a tank could I use fine sand as substrate? Is a 30 litre tank big enough? Thanks
  10. kiwiraka


    I just emptied out my big goldfish pond and the sediment is FULL of blackworms. Can I just throw a load in my tank and let the fish eat them over time? Or will they die quite quickly from lack of food?
  11. Sounds like you need a government paid job *cough* I didn't say anything *cough*
  12. Only if your families get along (christmas is a thing to dread with my family)
  13. I think I've seen one of those!
  14. What is your favourite present this year? Mine is the present from my parents, a fishing kayak.
  15. Got any fish in there yet? How's the algae problem?
  16. LOL!!! I didn't get it at first :digH:
  17. Get a temp reading, If the temp exceeds 20 degrees on a hot day you'd be best off getting a chiller. NSW is used by most people. r/o? (I've been researching saltwater tanks a lot recently (my next, next project, my friend knows where to get <4cm kahawai so as soon as I've sorted out a chiller for my FW natives I'll be saving up for a chiller and sump for a kahawai tank :ton: )
  18. Very nice! :gpo2: I don't think I've seen this thread before For feeding through winter you only really need to stop feeding when/if the temp drops below 6°C (ish) when the temp gets that low their digestive systems slow down and the food can rot inside them. Now to start at the start and read the whole thread :cofn:
  19. Nice, that stocky one is still bothering me :facepalm:
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