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Everything posted by kiwiraka

  1. I'm guessing 100 litres per fish, but minimum dimensions for the first fish will likely exceed 100 litres in volume
  2. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=58392&p=632603
  3. I'm pretty sure he only kept grey mullet. I've also had them, very friendly fish. Do best on a vege based flake food, learn to hand feed easily.
  4. I think they follow the same min size rules as grey flounder? So you'd need to start with big ones in a big tank?
  5. Probably resting, or maybe it was hiding after being scared away from a faster flowing area. Also if you caught it at day time, it might not have been in It's night time territory.
  6. Apparently I'm an adverb :dunno:
  7. That's an incredibly talented crayfish
  8. Cories are possible, in my early days of fish keeping I took a petshops "advice", apparently they are "pond fish" and can live in cold water (I lived in the otaki gorge in kapiti so it got quite cold) I started with five and had three left after 2 years. They were never very active and never grew. But I doubt there would be large numbers in lake taupo (maybe a couple of released fish) but they need warm water to breed and I doubt anyone would dump 20-30 (sorry :nilly: ) Cories.
  9. Also bullheads vary in colour. They're not always brown.
  10. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tench ?
  11. Are you sure they were corys?
  12. I agree, I don't mean to be offensive in any way. But any fish taken from the wild will alter the natural balance, whether it's removing a predator or taking a peaceful fish from a breeding population. The only fish that you should take are young fish from healthy populations. Especially with the less common species.
  13. Make sure you don't put it in with larger fish, bluegills are timid and easily out competed. Also, you'll want a strong filter. I think the recommended turnover is atleast 30 times per hour. So if it's in a 30 litre tank you'll want atleast 900 litres per hour of flow
  14. What did you do with the bluegill?
  15. Any planner or calendar app should meet your requirements.
  16. It depends on the temperament of both crays (what their personality is like) but if there are plenty of obstacles they should be okay together.
  17. Is it possible it just went through a rough spawning with the male? Happened to my common bullies a couple of times.
  18. Maybe I'll just have to set up a tank without kahawai. Oh well, I'll have awhile to think about it anyway.
  19. Wow! That is an awesome tank! What's the biggish black fish with the barbels on its lower jaw?
  20. Wow So what are the dimensions of your tank? And will you need to up size?
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