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Everything posted by AW

  1. AW


    Your best bet is probable Redwoods in CHCH. Being an importer as well they seem to have better luck at getting them 8) Aparently they get them in on a fairly regular basis, or so Im told. Dosn't help me any though, Ive talked to them a few times about getting some in for me to no avail. They take my details and thats the last I hear from them. Good luck on your hunt. Who did buy the three at Hollywoods? They've being sitting in their tanks for a long time now......hmmmmm
  2. AW


    I use to keep a pair of West African (Polypterus Birchir lepradei). Have also seen the armoured bichir (Polypterus Delhezi) in a shop. This is going back a few years though. Was dead keen starting up a new tank to keep some Ornates but currently none available, oh well........ I'm still hanging out for the FW stingrays to be bought in.... Somebody is going to have to start bringing them in
  3. AW

    Reef Tank-Auckland

    Iduncan Your reasoning is spot on. Wave boxes, in effect, move the whole body of water back and forth, so a piece of 'what ever' sitting in the tank will pretty much stay in the same spot moving back and forth also. Waveboxes are meant to be used in conjunction with a stream (pump) or.... the diffusion device is to be used in conjunction with a mixing device. The wave box is effective at lifting detrius up into the water column, once in the water column, power heads then blow it hopefully into a outlet to the filtration system. http://ealex.aqua-web.org/index.html Have a look at the video clip of the wavebox on this site and notice how even the anemone/heliofungia? is affected by the standing wave even situated between two piles of reef structure. Cheers Andrew
  4. AW

    Reef Tank-Auckland

    Hopefully I'll have a 4 foot set up in the very near future with a wavebox on it. RnB, your quite right, The shorter the tank, the shorter the frequency, this is my only concern in setting up the tank. There has being talk of tanks longer than 2m odd able to set up with 2 waves. I like the fact that it effectively moves all the water in the tank, and in theory eliminate dead spots better. Also love the effect it has on the sand bed (if you got one of course) http://www.recifduvendredi.org/images/wavebox_1.jpg http://www.recifduvendredi.org/images/wavebox_2.jpg http://www.recifduvendredi.org/images/wavebox_3.jpg
  5. AW

    Reef Tank-Auckland

    I was thinking the same thing too, check the site below. This guy built his own DIY wavebox, I believe the Tunze is pretty much the same. http://ealex.aqua-web.org/wavebox/index.htm He had original a reed float switch located in the box but took it off as it wasn't required. The pump simple is controlled on/off with timer. Too simple! I believe Wave height is set by the pump output. The pump keeps the wave going replacing the lost energy through a whole host of physical aspects / fluid dynamics of which i have no idea
  6. AW

    Reef Tank-Auckland

    You actually tune the box to find your tank resonance! Thats the basic principal it was designed off. There being quite a bit off talk off tank strength on reef central, the general concensus is that its not a big concern, all of course theoritcal, only time will tell.........anybody hear something creaking....... Finding your stand resonance is another kettle of fish........... :roll: (insert the cheap jokes) As for boosting the wave box abilty, people are simply placing another Tunze stream next door and `tee'ing off the wave box to sychronise the pulsing, works quite well apparantly. PS Pies, am I being ignored Re my PM's?
  7. AW

    Reef Tank-Auckland

    Ohhh, a brand new 7095 controller Hows the wave box looking? Reef, I think the next logical step for you to progress is to build yourself a new house based around a 5000 gallon system Cheers Andrew
  8. AW

    reef tank up sized

    Looks like a Turbinaria Pagoda Do I win anything if I'm right? Cheers Andrew
  9. I always liked Congo Tetras. Colour up very nicely and the males have intersting tails. Always good in a school, I had a school of 10 last time i kept them.
  10. What model Deltec Pump is it? Rating? Cheers Andrew
  11. They even have a 1250 listed I can imagine a lose hose inside the computer with one of those things running
  12. Stumbled across this site for eheim pumps: http://www.modyourpc.com/MAIN/WCOther.htm Its a funny world :roll:
  13. I would just buy some flexible hosing from a hardware shop. I would be very suprised if you lost water flow by adding a couple of feet of hosing. Canisters have a push/pull arrangement, ie the intake is from the main body of water, (unlike a sump arrangement where the pump has and independant boy of water which it is pumping into the main body of water) and as such has a head of water (equal to that of the water level in the tank) which pressurises the cannister and i turn helps the pump pump. If your in doubt, consider the fact that when you prime a cannister, it will fill the outlet hose up to the level of the tank water (that does not happen in a sump) Of course, if your using a spray bar along the surface and the intake near the bottom, I don't think there will be a problem of drawing in "cleaned" water from the outlet. This has always being my understanding, but it seems contradicting to some of the advice posted, so proceed with caution, I may have no idea of what I'm talking about. :roll: As far as having enough filtration, it is highly dependent on your bio-load. 2 x 204 could be overkill, or could be woefully underpowered. What sort of tank are you setting up, number of livestock your keeping? Cheers Andrew
  14. Heres a site that has extensive testing on MH lamps/ballast combos. Although it doesn't have t5 lighting, the articals do have an introduction on how and what they tested. http://www.reeflightinginfo.arvixe.com/index.htm Sanjay has being around a wee while now and is widely regarded.
  15. AW

    Testing new Web Host

    I really liked the setup / anemone tank. Looked like one very healthy and colourful anemone! On the flip side, I thought the comments were amusing, but i certainly do understand Fays' point of view. It can get really tiresome when people keeping poking you with a stick for a bit fun. (just beacuse I saw it)
  16. Looks like you've gone off topic Reef Thanks for the info. So, whos got flashing blue dashboard lights and window viewing panes in the side of their computer then?
  17. No matter what you do, how good your system is, any living creature taken from its natural enviroment and placed into a artificial one will suffer from stress. Some die , some don't Most marine creatures require a high level of care / experience. As far as being told what difficult to keep and whats not, thats a big can of worms! Just a few thoughts: The hobby is a continuing learning experience and education for everybody involved, even the experts. There's a lot that people ( and i mean everybody in general) don't know or understand about reefs / corals etc. If people didn't try to keep the impossible to keep corals / fish in cavity, then the technique / husbandry of keeping these animals alive could not be learnt. Gonioperas are another tricky one to keep. I kept one in my early days of reefing, Kept it for almost a year. It was going great but ffom what I read , this was the same for everbody that kept them. They go great for a couple of years and then fall over :-? Thought I do away with the sadness of it dying in my tank and sold it on to the pet shop. They are a beautiful coral. Heck, I road my RGV250 down to Rotorua to get it (from AK). Had ot ride back in the rain. I can tell you, a coral + water in a sholder bag starts to get real heavy! I really liked that coral.
  18. I can think of a couple of Vogul adds but am way to stupid to make the connection Care to elaborate. Cheers Andrew
  19. AW

    Corner Tanks

    1000 litres = 1 cubic meter Just work out the volume in cubic meters. Can't do it for you as I not sure what your dimensions are too or how there 3 bevels, is it a six sided tank? Cheers Andrew
  20. I thinking of using T5 for my new setup also. Good lamp life and cheap to run seems to be the generally accepted view of them. Anybody with some real life experince that has also used MH and NO Fluros? Allthough I do like the effect of single point sources of MH lamps. Actually, anybody still using NO Fluros? Cheers Andrew
  21. What we need is a calming influence. I've being told that people who keep aquariums are generally more relaxed and able to cope better with stress. Perhaps we should all start keeping aquariums...... :roll:
  22. Is it just me or has this thread shrunk? 8) Cheers Andrew
  23. AW

    DIY Skimmer

    Me personally, I like watching "fine" bubbles. Gives me piece of mind that all that money spent on a skimmer is actually doing something. Of course all the smelly crap in the collection cup a give away. Cheers Andrew
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