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Everything posted by AW

  1. Currently have 10 Fronts, 6 Pemba's If all goes well have another 4 fronts going in next week And if if goes really well, will be adding in a few more Pemba's. Better start hunting around for a 6 footer! Regards Andrew
  2. I was thinking that it would be 8) Sometimes you really do feel like your living on an Island :roll: Wait a minute....I am :bounce:
  3. Quick question, New Life Spectrum Fish Food Seems really popular overseas, Is it available here? Regards
  4. For the skimmer, water runs into the top, exits the bottom, I ran mine (way back when) off a gravity feed off the tank overflows. For the reactor, I believe the top red part would be to bleed off gas build up and can be used to install a PH probe for spending more money.... The outlet (water) would be the thin pipe exiting the pump outlet side, the two inlet for water and CO2 in will be on the inlet sode of the pump. Don't know if that helps or not Regards Andrew
  5. And now I feel the need to buy a motorbike, Duke, don't know anyboy selling a RC30 by any chance? Cookie, next you be telling me you didn't notice the Katana 8)
  6. AW

    Japanese tank

    Gosh your a hard man cookie Looks like he just adding fish in to me, I did do a post with a month by month stock list but if you only post once a month you forget to hit the last button :roll: Also got a conspic.....(sp) angle too (ka-ching) If he can aford one of those I don't think monet a issue. The anthias still seem to be there although the numbers have dropped, but I would expect a few anthias not too make it.....
  7. With 5000 lph coming out of the deltec, maybe you can plumb a dowdraught in line
  8. Now Im curious, what is it, don't make me come over and look for myself 8)
  9. Of course, if the front is going to be the side, then length is depth, aka width, and not height and conversly depth, aka width, is length and not height. If one was to stand the tank on the end it gets a bit tricky, length then is depth and is the height, depth and height is either width, aka depth, or length, however, due to the open nature of the side which was effectivelty the top, the advantages of this configuratio is about as good as this post :roll:
  10. Some of the answers from the auction: Score 6-1 Score 7-0 That didn't last long
  11. Too true, but I am desparately trying to keep it smallish, I've already probably double the original volume I was intending to set up :roll: I would love a wide tank but am limited to space and it's a lot easier moving a 500wide (not that I plan on moving it around a lot) around.
  12. Gosh, how many of them have you got Am wanting to st up a least a five footer, looking at dim 1.5m long x 500 wide x 700 high What are you selling at the moment?
  13. Surly thats a good enough reason to buy a really expensive car to up the insurance to put the electricity bill for the tank at a more acceptable proportion :roll: Cookie, dont let your wife read that either So, how much for carpet anemones
  14. Everything but! Not to worry though, I've enlisted the help of Cookie extreme to hold corals for me Maybe I should just rent a section in his tank as an interim
  15. Wouldn't have a clue, just having a stab in the dark like everybody else Going on the descriptions of the corals and anemones the owners gave, I don't think they have an intimate knowledge on livestock. I have then sumised they don't have an intimate knowledge on equipment, ergo I tranlate the term "halogen" as MH. If they are halogens, it be interesting to find out who the experts who set the tank up are. Personally, I think the dimensions of the tank are fine for a Reef Tank, it all comes down to how you set it up and stock it. Whats "stoopid"?
  16. Take that back, I have a garage with a concrete floor :lol: And I could still use the 150's, anything that falls to the bottom is on its own anyway, no chance of reaching it. I don't have a clue to it's value as I have no idea of what is being sold. Neither does the seller by the looks of things Having said that, here's my stab in the dark Tank $1500 Stand & Hood $1500 Sump $150 Eheim Return pumps $600 Plumbing $200 Circulation Pumps $600 Heaters $150 3xMH pendants $2000 8 x 1.2 fluros $400 Skimmer $1500 Rock (200kg) $1500 Sand (couple of sacks) $100 Test kits $200 Nets/hydrometer $50 Multi boards $100 Timers $50 Salt $200 Fish $400 Coral etc $????? So my total $11200 (sure adds up fast) Obviously its superior because you can out your TV under it
  17. Shucks, I'll play on his team as it seems a bit lop sided.... It is a 800 litre tank and in 20mm glass would cost a lot more than your standard tank. 2m long by 1m high, compare it to the door on the right, not fantastic at guessing amount of rock in Kg but could be a lot more than 100kg, did we count the sand Seems to have 3 MH fittings over that tank too, one would think 400 watters for a meter deep tank. What makes you think it a cheap skimmer, It doesn't look to me as if they would skimp on a skimmer. Of course all speculation, what amazes me that somebody puts up a big ticket item with such a simple description of what being sold. Guess I'm going to have to ask some question on the auction
  18. Higher frequencies for the waves generated by a wave box in shorter tanks.
  19. I thought the fish were reported to be in good health? Did I miss something?
  20. Food for thought.... If you want to go bigger now, how about doing a tank size that could then be used as a sump for the "big" tank you will set up your "to be" house. Cheers Andrew
  21. AW

    New 394 Litre tank!

    Just a thought The stand looks a tad light to me. Are the steel legs connected to each othe with steel members or are they fixed to the timber top? I imagine it would have being fine for a half filled turtle tank, but if you fill it up your going to double the weight, it would pay to check. Cheers Andrew
  22. Its pretty easy to keep a couple of clowns happy in a 2ft (sat on a bench top) with an internal cannister, small heater, say $300 all up. Would this not be considered a marine aquarium? I would even venture to say some coral would do better in this set up than the supposedly "be all end all" systems today. I remember a certain pet shop with a 1200x450x450 tank with trickle filter that kept the most sort after anemone in NZ for years, the anemone is no longer around due to moving into a $5000+ system Having a $4-5000 set up is no guarantee for success, knowldge is and actually putting it into practice. And the line I like to quote the most, the fish (or coarls or whatever you want to keep) don't read the books. Cheers
  23. Tunze Skimmers are farily well known to not pull as much out, and what they do pull out due to the Plankton friendly"contact" skimming principal that Tunze employs. Their are DIY fixes on some of their skimmers which elimnate this passive contact and improve "performance" quite a bit. My attitude to skimmer having owned an Amiracal Typhoon Red sea Berlin XL Red sea Berlin Deltec 1250s Deltec AP850 Last Reef Tank Setup was a 1400mm x 600mm x 500mm with sump. It nice to own a quality skimmer, the AP850 is a fantastic, the XL Berlin perfomed just as well. I believe they pulled out equal amounts of junk from my tank but I'm only guessing as I never measured quantities. Not sure if any of this helps you, but if your trying to decide a price on your skimmer, I would base it on 1/2 to 2/3 Retail Price. Cheers Andrew
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