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Everything posted by Silverdollarboy2

  1. Around 16, I just have to get a good picture then I will register them.
  2. They are eating prepared foods now, they look like mini versions of their parents.
  3. Thanks! Do they need a flat rock to lay eggs on?
  4. Hovmoller, have you bred Geophagus? If so any tips?
  5. I agree, update please!
  6. This is the kokopu's new tank. It is 123L x 45W x 50H. I'm hoping to get it up and running sometime in March.
  7. The 10th one isn't old enough yet, but I will register them.
  8. Common name: Leopard Frog Pleco Scientific Name: Peckoltia Compta L number: L134 --Sexing (numbers of) Males : Females : Unknown : 1 --Breeding Successfully bred Y/N : N Picture
  9. Some of the males are starting to show bits of blue now, too fast to get a picture but I have a couple of videos.
  10. On my phone it says ''choose files'' below where you type your post.
  11. Today my L134 Leopard Frog Pleco arrived from The Fish Room in Nelson. It is my first "fancy pleco" and I am very happy with it. It is in a grow out tank until it is big enough for my 350 Litre tank.
  12. I have the exact same tank as that (with black silicone?) and I had a 406 on it just fine, the flow isn't as strong as you'd think with the media and head height. So as long as you don't have delicate fish (Gouramis, Bettas etc) you will be just fine
  13. If I ever get a bigger tank these would be the main stocking, only recently found out we had them here.
  14. I'd like too see the forum traffic grow back too. I have: 150 Litre: 1x Giant Kokopu 350 Litre: 2 SIlver dollars, 4 Spotted Metynnis, 1 Striped Raphael, 1 Keyhole, and a pair of Geophagus Steindachneri. 54 Litre: Wild Mollies 20 Litre; Gardneri Breeding Trio 30 Litre: Gardneri Fry
  15. My snails just breed/hatch in the main tank.
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