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Everything posted by Brianemone

  1. Brianemone


    arrrrrrrggghhhh thery'e back
  2. i caught mine at raglan and tauranga
  3. Brianemone


    i tried the viniger and the boiling water but mine only got bigger and bigger and more and more so i nuked'em is it just me or does anyone else get a kick out of dealing to aipstasia
  4. Brianemone


    on rc they are always talking about peppermint shrimp to get rid of aipstasia
  5. can you say lunch :lol:
  6. ill be up on saterday for a small swap meet
  7. that sounds interesting do you know how it works???
  8. drill holes in it and fill it with lead :lol:
  9. i dont mind if they do as long as they are prepared to clean out my tanks
  10. if your going to move in a few months try being prudent/patient i set up my tank a few months ago and now i have to move and its gunna be a pain in the butt ha what am i talking about patience and fish keeping just dont go together sometimes
  11. Brianemone

    In Auckland

    i agree i think the takapuna is fantastic (will look even better as it matures) but i dont envy the job of getting the aipstasia's out of that tank not to mention that silly little clown fish (getting to the aipstasia in my tank was very satisfying) (go joes juice)
  12. any one know the best place to get new bulbs? and what range of kelvin the stores stock (for a 150W arcadia double ended series three)
  13. found it http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~kuansl/
  14. what sort of rock are you oing to use??? also there is a link he somewhere for an auckland guy that has a cold water tank his looks awesome with local anemones and such try and find it cause it could give you some ideas.
  15. put me down for a couple speaking of ultimate reef did any one read about the tank of the month? 750 of what on power a month (i assume pounds), what kind of job does he have to support that sort of a bill. i remember reef saying his bill was about 450ish????? and thats with a quarintine facility right?
  16. wow thats cheap. i thought that it would be mega costly. (oh thats right christchurch pricing) anyone brought one in auckland?
  17. how much was your kole tang?? i've been admiring them for a while on the net
  18. oh well, as youve said before untill the money is in the hand as for what you can sell me red mushrooms (not yours as you dont got that many, but find me a nice rock with some on and i pay you a gopher fee) (but i want that rotating head for my brothers tank)
  19. hey id like peoples opinions as to what type of anemone i should get ok here are some of my pros and cons white= first the cons not very pc :lol: looks as though it is bleached not very interesting or is it pros contrasts with the green already in the tank contrasts with the clown adds another color to the tank now the green they do look really nice under the actinic lighting they look healthy cons i have geen in my tank if i get a green hammer from steve then its more of the same color again. and it wont have the contrast that the white has comment suggestions welcome (other than the obvious ie its my tank do what i want with it) i just want some ideas as its the center peice of the tank
  20. or just change your advertising of the website for sale in you signature to tank specs (and my stupid signature)
  21. what have you got in you tank so far joe??? how big is it what fitration are you using give us some details get your freind on the website to
  22. reef your purple acro's are awesome
  23. ok here it goes from what i've seen in the fish stores the percula clowns have been some what murky (not bright and clear) in colouration and not all that attractive. (not even going to start on the one they had at hollywood albany on saterday) but from what i've read on the internet the purcula clowns are meant to be brighter in colouration and look like the one i have so i am a bit confussed. what kind of clown do i have? Steve you should be able to help with that (i assume its an ocellaris cause thats what i askedfor and it looks/act how i expected it to) and if i "order" an ocellaris from my lfs is it going to be like th3e one that i have?? (n.b the new clowns i want are for my brothers tank, i got him hooked when he came over to my place and saw my clown)
  24. any chance of the meetings getting changed to another night???
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