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Everything posted by Brianemone

  1. agreed about the lots of fish part but i cant even see a single fish
  2. nice where are your fish?? what are its specs??
  3. i dont think he'd/she'd want to pay for the shipping to australia for rocks
  4. hey mars try posting your q????s as anew topic so that it gets a bit more attention
  5. 79$ from jansens and 70$ from hollywood hmmmmm which store deserves my support sorry anemone but your going to have to wait
  6. anyone know what a fair price is for these, ive got my wife ringing up today to find out the price on it at jansens and on another note should i get an anemone first or the blennie which is going to be easiest to find in the future? i really want a nice rose bubble tip (new zealand stinks for variety) maybe i should order one via the internet and hope that customs think that the live fish sign on it is just decoration
  7. Brianemone


    i guess its up to everyone what they want in their tank and such. i have a sand bed and crushed coral for my substrate becuase i want a natural look and i think it will contribute to my water conditions (going for the most natural environment possible) but if your making a tank purely for its aesthetic value then you may not want a substrate. i thought it looked really nice, it did look kindof clinical but i found it really nice to look at (not cluttered and very open) i tried to find the picture but cant see it any where maybe it was on ultimatereef
  8. Brianemone


    the ocean has allot of things that fish tanks dont have last time i checked there wasnt a little glass container covering the beach either
  9. Brianemone


    on RC the other day i saw a guys tank setup with out sand, and it looked awesome
  10. thought it would be interestin to see if any one has stories about the tolerance level of mushrooms (or other corals for that matter) this post being inspired by my experiance in the weekend i was cleaning out my cannister filter (i run it for carbon and mechanical filtration) i pulled out the little compartment thingys and started rinsing out the carbon bags ant the trays, when i saw a nasty brown thing clinging to the underside of the tray. thinking that it was a evil parasite planning a take over of my tank i turned over the tray to get a closer look, and what did i see....... a little blue mushroom very healthy and holdin on very tight, i transferd him to the main tank and he seems find so far. i assume it popped off my rock that has mushies on it ( they are all fighting for room at the moment) and went into the intake made it through the foam filter and got snagged on the tray crazy stuff
  11. ill see if i cant take a road trip with a camera to get some yeah the rock lay out is almost the why i want it but i need a bit more live rock with corals on it to perfect it and fill it up with interesting stuff
  12. not really a reef yet but thought that i might let you all see how things are going. sorry about the pic quality and lghting http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v31 ... _strip.jpg and some pics of the inhabitants that you cant see in the main one http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v31 ... friend.jpg http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v31 ... _fuzzy.jpg http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v31 ... e_Nemo.jpg
  13. hey does anyone out there have one of these for sale (a giveaway would also be accepted) or seen them in a shop any where?(recently or presently) thought that id post this here to just incase someone didnt see it in the trading section
  14. arent windows for people who dont have fish tanks???
  15. looks like an electric blue cichlid (Sciaenochromis ahli)
  16. show off come to think of it if i had the money thats what id do did anyone else find it strange that he has it in his basement and then has all those chairs around it like he sells tickets or something mind youhe probably could (thats what they do at kelly tarltons and his tank looks a little bit bigger)
  17. it would be interesting to see how they go, might be worth my while if they do the trick
  18. i wanted something like that but in the end settled for a pVC pipe that i cooked on the stove top at least im getting a current and it only cost 2$ what sort of powerheads do they fit on??
  19. Hey does any one have any mushrooms of an interesting color that they would like to share with me??? at the mo i just have some nice blue ones and one or two that have a slight neon green tinge to them (probably the same for all i know) but id like to get a nice contrast in one of the corner in my tank that i have designated a mushroom zone, red would be awesome as would any thing heading towards that may be even white if they exist. of course im willing to pay for the kindness of your sharing and for the shipping if your in some remote part of the country lower than hamilton
  20. hey i wasnt able to make it to the waikato aquatic thingy meeting this month cause my wife was feeling sick, thanks for sharing everyone says the reason i wanted to go was to see if any one there was keping marines here in the tron or in waikato. at the mo i only know one guy in morrinsville but im sure there are a few becuase when i go into the fishy store i can see that the instant ocean has been sold and i needed it. i just want people with experiance that are close buy for tips and stuff. and its always nice to see other peoples tanks and setups for ideas and stuff so any one here in hamilton?????????????????
  21. but there is more than "a" pet shop, last time i counted theres like more than three (no i am not a retard, i just dont have a well developed sense of humour)
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