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Everything posted by randomsam1001

  1. with indian fern, don't let the fish pick at the roots, make sure all the roots are underground, my old one died because the tetra picked at the roots a lot.
  2. they tend to die for no apparent reason, my pair died the day I was about to get 3 more &c:ry
  3. :iag: dwarf honey or dwarf neon/flame gourami will do well.
  4. +1, electric fish sounds fun. btw, what happened to the little fluval edge on the counter???
  5. my computer said somthing about not enough bandwidth :dunno:
  6. where are you buy ing the flies from, I found the flies at animates quite expensive, spent ages catching flies myself...
  7. true, the same with ph, most fish can go in many ph ranges but are best if they are suddenly put into a different one. At least thats what my fish are like....
  8. stop feeding, I had this before and stopped feeding for a few days, and did a water change. Just don't do too many water changes, too many brought my ammonia up.
  9. I'd say your plecos will eat it.. My bristle nose ate all of the algae on my driftwood. :sage:
  10. Kh 9-20 for keyhole, ram 10, cories 2-12, Bn 16
  11. I had the same problem with my swordtails, the remaining fry are 2 weeks old now,in a separate tank.
  12. Sorry Ira, bad camera, the "lip" is not actually there :oops:
  13. Is it male, female or too young to tell :dunno: . It is about 2-3 cm
  14. what fish are you feeding? I use Aquarian for my small bristle nose. do you have driftwood?
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