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Everything posted by randomsam1001

  1. Hey guys, this is a post where you can list the fish that you think are too expensive. For example Guppies:$10 The price doesn't need to be exact.
  2. PSY gentleman always starts randomly playing when I open Safari :facepalm: . Please help me! I don't have it on iTunes or any other program. No other apps open at the time.
  3. thanks GuppyHunter, probably just a phase hes going through. He used to chase my tetra, but now he is chasing the swordtails. Funny that the only fish in the tank he can't scare is the 2-3 cm BN the Dwarf Gourami and cories.
  4. he is about 6-8 months old and 4-5cm
  5. ....he is chasing my female swordtails in my 200l. my male just died :tears: and Red tail shark has only been doing this since the male died. Is it the fact that there is no male?
  6. should really read my posts before clicking submit
  7. It looks like a god gourami, but the photo is not that good.
  8. Not an upside down catfish.....
  9. yeah I got one in my 50 l. he's done a great job with the algae Only $35
  10. Same here, just a 2-3 cm bristlenose and a 4-6 cm Big Band Tiger Pleco
  11. actually looking at that :slfg:
  12. just bought a big band tiger pleco. eating algae
  13. And the big band tiger plecos eat algae well?
  14. thanks guys, half an hour after they went in, they are already happily in the gravel and doing what kuhlis do. Thanks, Sam
  15. I forgot to leak test my smaller tank and was shocked when I saw drops of water under the silicone. luckily, it was just a bit of water that had overflowed from the tank
  16. Hi guys, I have a tank I would like to have these in, and I am wondering if they can fit through filter holes of about 3mm or under. also, this is not a planted tank and the gravel is only 1.5cm - 3cm high, will they burrow in this? I am fine if they burrow but just want to know in advance to getting them. the tank is 50l Thanks, Sam
  17. I realised part of the scientific name of the pitbull pleco is otocinclus. Probably a stupid question, but are they like oto's and fall dead for no apparent reason some day?
  18. This is just for my 30 ish litre swordtail fry raising tank and I figured they stay relatively small and probably won't bother the fry too much. Thanks All, Sam
  19. Your info was actually quite helpful. Are the Pitbull plecs hard to keep?
  20. Thanks Flatfish, definetly looking at the pit bull plec if I can't get the gold spot
  21. My Swordtails, used for cycling and 2 have just died for no apparent reason
  22. giant gourami, look terrible. No colour...
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