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Everything posted by Hali

  1. MY elephant nose arrived!! >.< He's guna chill in an 80lt until his tank is cycled and warm.
  2. How about get the minnow some bros, or some leopardfish? They're pretty neat.
  3. Thank you Sophia Ohhh holding the plants down with rocks sounds like a premo idea. Hahaha and have a whole bunch of wood, but the opening is small at the top so have to find some that will fit through that before I get any Snowballs >.< Pantadons are a pretty bad ass fish, and their mouth is MUCH larger than you think.. Especially with 3! 3 mini arowana in disguise.. I'll wait until I get the wood and more plants before getting the Eel.. I had bigger rocks too but they also don't fit./ Water's in.. :bounce:
  4. Put some sand and schist.. Glosso, dwarf hair grass, 2 crypts and some sort of sword? Just filling it now >.<
  5. Yes.. good point.. I just love 'em.. But planted tank trumps eel I think. I might figure out photos and upload my progress too
  6. Thank you lol I don't want to put guppies in that tank.. This is supposed to be an impressive tank Guppies can stay in their guppy tank. I just like good looking little ones in schools and I know they will be eaten.. Yes I miss my snowballs.. How about a Peacock Eel? <3 they're pretty neat but my last one died, I think because he was SO DIFFICULT to feed.. I'd plan even more. I've read a couple times that in captivity they generally only reach around 15 cm. What do you all think about that?
  7. Heyy so have a 4ft to set up, I'm thinking an Elephant nose (already on order), 3 Pantadons and an Eel(suggestions please)? Couple of Nice Plecos, thinking Snowball atm just because I used to have a couple and enjoyed them thoroughly.. But I'll need to see what's around. I've got some driftwood, schist stones and a couple of massive rocks I will put in there, sand and smaller schist (or no schist rocks for the Eel?) will make up the substrate, I want it to be planted.. Dog ate my fert yesterday so need some more of that before anything starts. I have a little wave maker and an Eheim Canister 2213. Can get back up. More fish? Or see any problems with these? Maybs just a big school of tetras/rasboras.. something everyone else can pick at at their will for food variation? Lol I moved this myself..? All good?
  8. Sooo they were swimming round, all healthy looking, zipping and such, nice colour.. Fed them (granules).. Then maybe an hour later, one was dead on the bottom of the tank on the sand.. Still all healthy looking, nice colour.. except for the fact it was dead :fshi: Choked? :dno: Or some ninja, symptomless killer virus that's now in the tank? PS, got them a couple days ago, didn't quarantine, but they had a feed on bloodworms their first night.. Come to think of it, one did 'tick' a bit that night? Same one?
  9. Landscape supply stores are as fun as the fish shop >.< go check out the different rocks from different parts of the country sorted into different sizes, all the way from boulders down to sand! Then there's the driftwood.. :nilly: If I'm looking for inspiration, that's where I go.
  10. A super King duvet? I just don't want to do it if it's probably going to break no matter what.
  11. Soooo! I wana buy a 6ft tank for sale in Auckland! I live in Hamilton.. What do you reckon about transport? >.< Trailer and 2 X bits of 4x2 underneath to carry it? Any tips? Should I put it on poly in the trailer maybe?
  12. I see.. Thank you. Alright, well I really love the puffers and their tank, so s/he might need to move to a tub. He's still in the Asian tank for now. I have a 54lt black tub I could chuck him and a sponge filter in when needs must, after I get yet another heater off TM, lol bucket's full of Daphnia on the porch at the minute. Don't forget.. Free to good home.
  13. I have 3 3year old dwarf puffers in a ~70lt with 2 bumblebee gobs and some chain loaches.. I think. I have a Chinese Algae Eater.. About 7cm-10cm ish? Giving my other fish buttholes in the Asian tank. Can I biff him in with the puffers until I rehome him or will him nom them? I'm quite confident he's big enough and tough enough that the puffers wont bother him, but will they be right? Ta in advance PS.. Anyone that wants this awesome little CAE is welcome to him/her. Healthy, super active and plump Likely to get to 6" but can get to 10" and just gets more and more aggressive.. Should do right with Cichlids and such.
  14. Hali

    12L Nano

    That looks neat! :thup: Well done. I have just started to let Hydro grow out the top of my nano.. I'm encouraging the algae to build up too so I have an on hand supply of greenwater plus it looks badass. I really think you did lose your fish to your puffers. They look like the most peaceful floating things, very inquisitive and gentle. Until a Bumblebee Goby gets it in their mind they're gunna fin nip then BOOYAH! FO Says the puffer and FO does the Goby. In this size, I'd leave them be tank mate wise, you'll have enough problems when they start to mature in 12L.
  15. Go Ghostknife. Good save. :thup:
  16. Now I have 5... into the nano they go. Crappy Eel.
  17. Have removed 3 of the Gobie Gobes. Will check tomorrow morning.
  18. Hali

    Betta Cancer?

    Haha yeah that's it. Had my little finepix thing that manages to take decent pics of my fish then opened it to find no memory card.. Pick up the Little SLR thing that I'm taking less than average photos with (I don't have the skills), got 'em! Take out the memory card.. No reader. I'll keep an eye out for USBs around the house but they don't seem to fit either.
  19. Yes I was tossing up between the two, I've never had a problem with the gobies before, and the peacock eel is new.. BUT so are 2 gobies which has meant they are out and about always instead of hiding, and I know not much of the eel except that I was told he was peaceful. He does have a sharp beak though haha I'll look up a little more on him in the interwebs. It's all of them.
  20. In the Asian tank (~100lt) there are 6 Harlequine Rasboras, 6 Bumblebee Gobies, 1 Chinese Algae eater, 1 Peacock Eel, 1 female Fighter and 7 Rainbow Forktails oh and 2 Khulis? One golden and one chain. My Forktail's tails are no longer forks. Gobies? Half their pack you think? Or..
  21. Hali

    Betta Cancer?

    I took some photos, however apparently don't have the cable I need to get it on this computer. I even made a photo bucket account thing. I'll go on a mission. So it may be an abscess and drainage is more effective than anti-bs... :dunno: wouldn't want to stick a syringe in her without knowing for sure and having some solid as 'crap' advice.. But I'm pretty reluctant on meds without knowing for sure too. Does anyone think a dose of Furan2 will be detrimental at this stage? Bugger.. Pics.. Cable.. Looking
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