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Everything posted by Hali

  1. I would also like to know if you should continue treatment for 2 weeks after the symptoms have disappeared?
  2. Yeah, maybe will jump on Trademe and get a little set up for the lounge, get him some buddies too. Could prob make some cool rocky, driftwoody snail home without any plants anyway
  3. as I said, he's a Snail.. Does answer still apply?
  4. AH Professor! Knew something looked wrong!
  5. Ok, so I bought one Golden Apple Snail from Animates, at some point in the beginning :dunno: How neat I thought, he's amazing! Massive with 'arms' 3x the size of his body.. I haven't seen these in photos of aquariums I thought.. SO yep, he eats all of the plants, up ones, down ones. So I've been keeping him for about 5 months now, he's BIG being so attached I just sort of let him ruin my tank. SO the solution? He's now in a 6 or 7lt vase in the tank.. To keep it heated.. I had to add substrate (Silica Sand) because the shape of the vase prevented him from getting the foods.. I give him wafers and a 2xweekly treat of whatever plant I pick that day. He poops... Yes he does, which sees his vase water receive a ohhh about 20% or 15-25% water change daily? That's just me siphoning out his ..... We have 3 tanks with plants and the hospital in the lounge had only a fake dude and a bit of java but that's being treated.. In my experience, Prof. G. doesn't like anything added to his water.. Except for plants? Anyway love this dude, and want to be good to him, he deserves a gangsta life.. You guys see problems with the vase? Does he need room to stretch his sluggy 'legs'?
  6. Hali

    Hi there!

    Hey there! Seems I skipped my intro. Live in Hamilton, got a bit obsessed over the last 6 months.. Little freshwater mixture going on.. Don't want to write too much but would love to hear from people that are into their Bettas (elephant or halfmoon or just plain neat), young Pantadons or Hatchets. Once our 100lt display is cycled the other 4 tanks will be getting a shuffle and Donny and Hatchet will have room for some buddies as they like.
  7. ...or disease? Any specific diseases or is it a blanket warrior towards all baddies? :smln:
  8. Hali

    Hardscape rules

    I'll jump onto the user control panel now, thanks I'm from Hamilton. Ohhhh that vinegar trick sounds primo :happy1: out to find cool rocks! I thought boiling the nasties out would be good.. Then dry.. The soak.. Right Thanks!
  9. Hey guys, what's the deal with driftwood and rocks? Can I use any awesome driftwood/rocks that I come across on my merry way? Or do I need to be careful of leaching and such? In the process of upgrading the display tank to a 100lt and found some neat wood by the trees at the lake. Thoughts?
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