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Everything posted by The_Laura

  1. Agree with Mikey as well. Is interesting how it's so different person to person, country to country. Have a friend who is in france as an au pair, and she was saying it's not unusual for them to have a glass of wine with early morning brunch etc, and throughout the day with meals etc, maybe it is their tolerance because if I was drinking with every meal I would be on a slippery slope to plastered :oops:
  2. Maybe not alcoholics? Jus high consumption of alcohol. And culturally they are more prone to daily drinking, not necessrily by addiction but it's just the way they are. Wine with every meal haha. I think I read that Mexico and the US had the highest alcohol related deaths through liver failure etc?
  3. Isn't that what they are lol? or am I misinformed :dunno: +1 though, horrible nasty fish. We had one female who kept laying eggs everywhere, disrupted the whole tank, killed many a fish...but not the kribs...never the kribs..
  4. ergh you're well behaved. the thought of that makes me want to sleep :yaw1:
  5. I love your little headbanging kitty. Gets me everytime. :sml1:
  6. Thyla is cuttteeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  7. Baxter (My mother's other child...) and 'Brother' to Mischka....and one of dad's toys lol My dainty little Shih Tzu thinks he's a real dog. Nothing wrong with a bit of farm work LOL :sml1:
  8. Tucker (17 years old there!) and 7 week old Baxter Julian. My fur child...with Santa :facepalm: Mischka. My mothers replacement child when I moved out of home julian with Bailey and Harry. His babies. Wooly Julian on the boat. Being a right Sailor Dog. Kept trying to eat the fish we brought on board. Extreme dog walking at it's finest. He swam half the way then decided bugger that and tried to turn around and go back. This is Waitarua Dog Reserve - flooded last winter. So many people out half walking, half swimming the dogs through the bad bits. Such good fun though!!
  9. Angelfish...eat everything, kill things, tore up my tank. :an!gry Despise. Stupid Stupid. Ooh yes, little buggers. Had a massive fat grey one who got stuck in the ornament chasing after my rams and 'drowned' I guess. Unfortunate, but he was impossible to catch too LOL :facepalm:
  10. So...Few weeks ago we stole the stray cat that hangs around the fish and chip store by our house, sick of her ripping food out of anyones hands that will bother to pay attention to her, manky as coat. Staff said she sleeps under the rubbish bins. Settled in so well. Forgot to mention she is a huge big fatty mama cat. Gave her some well deserved food, de-wormed and de-fleaed. disgustttttting, and of course LOTS of cuddles :) And on Thursday she popped out 5 little black and white bubbas :love: Looks like 3 boys, 2 girls. She's doing so well! And then yesterday, had a friend show up in a panic with a 5-6 day old kitten that had been dumped at her work. Exact quote from the owner "I don't want it, do I just chuck it out??" :an!gry And what do you know! Jezzabell has taken her over really well!! :happy1: Washing her and just accepted her straight into the litter. She's a little tortoiseshell girl, have given her a few bottle feeds just to boost her up a bit, she's got to fight with our little piggy wiglets. So fingers crossed all goes well for her. Then it's just desexing and vaccinating mama cat, vaccinating kittens and finding them all lovely responsible homes!! Will post pics later Just wanted to share how proud of our little stray kitty cat we are :happy2:
  11. Oh no! Sorry for your furry little loss :tears:
  12. :sml1: Yay for the FNZAS party...and to fish tanks in every home. Here's to educational pet keeping classes in school...start 'em young! As for the whole cannabis thing, a lot of the problem in NZ is because it is illegal, it allows for a highly varied product? Not like in Europe where the decriminalization allows for a bit more "quality control". Here, because of the demand you could end up with any kind of bleach filled/fly sprayed/cocaine induced substance? And that is ridiculously dangerous., because people get desperate and have to go to all kinds of whacko neighbourhoods etc, you wouldn't know where it is coming from. Like in the old days of moonshine huh :lol: As for driving stoned, what a stupid thing to do, of course people 'feel better' stoned and think they have better reflexes, they're just distracted into Happy Land. Same as drunk drivers. Deserve to be punished for being a threat to the roads. At the same time...putting on your makeup, shaving your legs, talking on the phone while driving and eating a curry probably aren't the best idea either. Agreed, there are idiots everywhere. SO loving the :smot: conversations here. Highly interesting distraction from this important thing called work that I should be doing.
  13. It really is amazing Very inspirational Disappointed to hear it's going, but will be keenly waiting tohear about the next project :spop:
  14. :an!gry posted a 'question' too. people are so inhumane. plan your tanks better, take responsibility for fish you no doubt paid for somewhere along the way. blegksfadsj;fhafhakj;lghb
  15. So they can search for it and actually find, or you probably wouldn't know for a couple of years when it started going mental?? Stupid stupid girl. :facepalm: All the drama too "life of a cleaner", didnt care about the consequences prior to getting caught and is now throwing a fit about it ruining her life. She got off light.
  16. We had a school of Fourty that would chase my gouramis. probably about ten or so would start it. little bastards. especially at feeding time. removed the gouramis (because i didn't really like them anyway) and they seem to be fine now, although their numbers dropped to about 30 after I had some issues. Previous to that had 10 or so in with a few livebearers and my fighter, they destroyed the fighter, he destroyed the guppies. And little old me had a bit of a mope about stupid fish choices.
  17. Yay :happy2: Glad to hear they are all happy. My loaches did the same (Although I only had four :facepalm: ), so I got four more and upped the temp and they sorted it all out remarkably quickly
  18. Very cool! I have a wooden tank and I love it, so different. But mine's only 90 l.... yours is all kinds of amazing. Sand is a neat colour too!!!! I love the updates :spop:
  19. That is quite possibly the coolest thing ever. Mind blown
  20. Congratulations!! You must be super proud Looking forward to cutesy photos :spop: :bounce:
  21. When I looked into it when I first saw them it seems to just be a genetic variation, such as big noses vs small noses. But you can continue to breed it through the lines I believe. Not a seperate breed just a long-finned variety. When you google them they do still seem fairly common.\ I adore mine. :love:
  22. LOL I get what you mean, silly wacko kitties have no idea what they do sometimes! He was! We had him and his brother, dumped at a week old. Almost lost him twice when he was little :tears: , but he pulled through. Little crack eyed bugger huh! I was so sad when he left, I should have kept him
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