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Everything posted by FACEAnthrax

  1. There's always lots for sale on Trademe, but not too sure how well they travel.
  2. You got any locust etc breeding yet? Or any greens growing? :thup: If not probably a good time to get going, that little guys gonna be wanting LOTS of bugs when he get there .
  3. I'm sure the lady in Pet and Garden was a lot more knowledgeable on the lizard with where's it's from, type, coloration etc though, than the people at the northlands pet store they couldn't even tell me how old theirs were and tried to exclaim there wasn't any coastal beardies in NZ.
  4. Cool I was just in there yesterday having a look around , they're $100 cheaper there than the ones at northlands proudpaws pet store. All very inquisitive and being well looked after and fed.
  5. Yeap that's who's being used bring'em come up from invercargil too all the other pet couriers either don't go that far or keep cancelling. Where abouts in Chch did you get yours in the end?
  6. Hopefully the items you're waiting on arrive in time . Should do though!!
  7. Awell there go . I was just going by a DOC pdf I was reading. I haven't gone for a permit so I wouldn't really know
  8. apparently it's suggested but not required to get the permit.
  9. In the persons defense you can buy the digital thermostats that also display temps, current, min, max etc. But no need to be rude to the other guy not everyone wants to fork out the money for a stat. I don't have one.
  10. Just be wary when you register for their forum. As someones injected a JS Trojan virus into the register form. I did email them about it dunno if they've fixed.
  11. I know a lady in Chch that has the native geckos including the awesome naultinus. Maybe I could ask her about it next time I go to get locusts.
  12. I was too, he's the same fallow mines from, easy to deal with . Only problem atm is the pet couriers, the main one that goes down that far keeps cancelling their runs.
  13. Yea I spent a long time trying to find an inland beardy this year, ended up paying $300 for him/her didn't want to wait another year . Pet stores are trying to sell them off for $450-$500 Don't think the price would drop that much looking at the prices of water dragons and blue tongues this year with so many of them around.
  14. For anyone still looking for beardy babies, there's currently one for sale on trademe http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=456868063 (they sell very quick). Also Northlands Chch has 4 or 5, and Pet and Garden on Fitzgerald Ave Chch also is supposed to have babies.
  15. Has anyone tried breeding woodlice? Are they worth it? Are they any good for beardies, I heard they're high in calcium?
  16. Doubt very much there would be enough intake to cause any overdoses of vitamins from it. Probably could be worth lowering overall the amount of multivitamin powder/spray given to the lizard each week if your worried.
  17. Personally haven't used before now, but have heard of others doing so, is supposed to help improve overall coloration of them (astaxanthin is what makes cooked shellfish orange and salmon meat pink) as well as it being an antioxidant so generally good for the system. Spirulina is also full of lots and lots of other vitamins and minerals that are good for them, eg Vitamins D ,C, E, beta-carotene, zinc, iron, calcium. Which I would expect to stick around in a gutloaded locust.
  18. Way ahead of you :thup: Have a large tanks of locust (which hopefully should be laying this week) and a mealworm colony all on the go, as well as large trays full of greens all growing away indoors too Both with wheat bran that's laced with spirulina so they build up astaxanthin in their flesh along with other nutrients, good for my lizard and it's colouration
  19. Your Gecko looks awesome :love: Seeing everyones lizard pics going up on here all the time makes me super excited for my baby beardy to arrive . Just gotta wait till the next pet courier run and he/she will be here :happy1:
  20. Has anyone ever used JBL Reptil sun lights? not to be confused with Reptisun. They're German made reptile bulbs that are supposed to be good for around a year. Was hoping someone else on here might have had some experience with them before and could give me some feedback? Thanks!
  21. trademe's always good. http://www.trademe.co.nz/pets-animals/reptiles-turtles/turtles/auction-447093342.htm
  22. Heya I have some mealworms here that I was hoping to get breeding to go towards being food for my incoming beardy. Only problem is they've reached their beetle stage and all the seem to be doing is hiding. I remember when I used to breed them for frogs a few years back they would always be active and running about whenever I looked. With these ones you wouldn't even know there is beetles with how well they hide. There's plenty of carrots for them to nibble and get moisture from, even put in a bit of apple to try luring them out. Maybe they're too cold? Would be nice to know what others in NZ do with theirs. Cheers P.S. I will share some awesome new beardy baby pics with you all when he/she arrives :bounce:
  23. Suppose it does a little, I never ended up painting it.
  24. I built a DIY basking rock, can't see why you can use the same principle to make a cool hide? Just depends on whether you like the look or not? This was my first attempt at one.
  25. Bugger, There was some very nice ones that all just sold on trademe yesterday in nelson. I'm getting mine from Invercargill, that's prob too far away for you. but I saw someone on here is selling some coastal ones in gisborne.
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