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Everything posted by Duncan7

  1. My smaller ones are colouring up, so maybe an age/size thing also, but guessing some nicer than others. My community pretty good atm too, things have settled down for the moment. Waiting for the jags to want to breed or some others to pair up, then trouble will ensue. Well if fraser needs a female in addition to yours henward ill probably have one or two...
  2. Who bought any of these colourful devils af fish? Man they are agro! I have 3, all looking like females, hate each other!! :facepalm: Going to need to separate them soon. Anyway i know henward has got some, he has publically shown that, i know of one other that hasnt been so revealing and such i wont mention names and they can speak up if they like Dunno what to do, i kinda want a male, but pretty sure i dont want or have the room for a pair to spawn!
  3. Stick a terracotta pot in there on its side, thats what mine spawned in.
  4. My jags have only spawned a couple of times for me in the last year, but as with you mine spent most of that time in a community and i wonder if thats part of the reason.. Did a big water change a few weeks ago and after that they started flaring at each other and looked like they might be thinking of breeding, so i gave them their own tank and they did the business a few weeks later. My recommendation... clean water and own tank, cause honestly you dont want jags trying to breed in a community, unless you dont want your other fish. They wont fair so well if the jags actually have fry!
  5. Wouldnt like to speculate... not yet 8)
  6. Yeah she was fine, i wouldnt expect any issues with her and others if she isnt in a pair, as soon as she pairs up, she will want the others gone.
  7. Nah i dont think that will work, big breeding cichlids need their space, The festae will kill the rest if they want the space. My jags are tight as, spawn and are fine afterwards, great parents.
  8. :facepalm: School of FH's? Oh wiat that will never work Id mix it up but if you want to be really different go albino group. May offset the aro more with the albinos. School of albino tinfoils too?
  9. Nice man, breed him! blood worms are pretty crap really, go with the hikari and prawn as david suggests. Ill try get some pics of my female and post them
  10. We have red texas?!!! really? Or have i misunderstood? Will keep the angry festae for the moment sorry jack, she is the best tool i have for introducing red in a mix. I honestly dont think she would mix well with another. And with regard to the redhead, it seems to pop up frequently in the crosses i like but i still think they are ugly! May see how i go at growing out the FH's and some texas' for a start. Dont have enough space to do everything.
  11. Yeah i grabbed a couple, im heading in the other direction to henward, i wanna get some red background in with the blue, i like the red dragon FH's... Red texas would be my ultimate tho, got the festae, need a big texas now... then line breed May need a red head too, the jag / red head looked pretty awesome.
  12. http://www.perthcichlid.com.au/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t13333.html Check out the texas x vieja spp... hot! Dunno if it would work out like that first time, maybe with some selective breeding? Jag x midas/devil is ok too.
  13. Very nice man, i love them. Want some now.
  14. Throw up some pics of the fish henward, i have read that flowerhorns can breed from a few inches in size.
  15. Clive at goldfish bowl is a good man to deal with, he has put alot of work into that shop and carries a nice selection of marine stock. Id recommend him.
  16. Saw some in a fish shop labelled golden or gold spot mystery cat... thinking its probably what you guys have grabbed. Probably was meant to be a mystus as mentioned above.
  17. Haha, ive been struggling to sort out cliff/clive for ages... He never corrects me, but good guy, very accomodating. Definately worth talking to if your after something.
  18. The guy at the gold fish bowl is good to deal with, he will get one for you and would match any price id imagine. Pretty sure his name is Clive.
  19. Hollywood have imported salvinis, go get some :lol: All the GT's i have kept have got skinny, the only time i have had them thrive is if there are more than one of them. In this case the dominant one is a pig and the other fades away, remove the others and even the dominant one goes off its food :dunno: Moral of the story keep big ones!
  20. Have a look at world of water at 7 Kaimiro Street And Goldfish bowl, 966 heaphy tce About the only two i shop at. There is animates on te rapa straight, but not usually worth the stop for fish shopping.
  21. Kamfa's are nice, price high? maybe, but they are awesome and rare in nz so not that bad :lol:
  22. Chuck up some pics of the devil/flowerhorn cross.
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