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Everything posted by #!CrunchBang

  1. Yep, they absorb heat like there isn't any being produced.
  2. 1: It's a tool, not a play thing. 2: keep the hot bit away from you. 3: don't breath the smoke, it's quite bad for you.
  3. Buy my rough calculations with the cost of running that tank, assuming the heater is running 50% of the time is $5.07. Heater on 100% of the time would be $7.88. Is assumes that the unit cost of electricity is 26c per KWh
  4. I would guess it's the cleaning of the filter. I managed to kill off ~40 young bristlenose by cleaning the filter too well once :facepalm:
  5. Well if you can make your own, that's great :thup:
  6. We make pizzas at home lot's. On your pizza base you put the sauce then the mozzarella then your other ingredients, is what we found works best. There are these new Turkish bread pizza bases that we found are the best ones.
  7. A visual guide of some NZ chitons http://home.inreach.com/burghart/newzea.html
  8. I have 2x 11cm girls, great fish. They do need an air gap as they are actually air breathers. They seem to clean up any food not eaten buy the rest of the tank inhabitants.
  9. I use google to convert things eg. convert 10 usd to nzd
  10. So much battling lately.... Can't really change much now it's been ordered. Looking forward to seeing photos and maybe a link to where you bought them from.
  11. Get a gravel vac and see if that helps to remove excess nutrients. Are you able to move the tank to somewhere with less light or have the light on the tank on less. Otherwise A UV steriliser with help control the green water, but if you get an ammonia spike you need to turn it off. One thing to consider is that you have to replace the UV bulb after about 6 months as they become less effective.
  12. Do you have green water? that's pretty much the only reason to get one.
  13. They wash your shoes for you and treat them with Trigene or something similar
  14. Five banded barbs make an excellent shoaling fish, especially with clown loaches which they swim around with
  15. I found burning it off with a little butane pencil torch worked quite well in the short term, but that does mean you have to take what it's on out of the water.
  16. My Ringneck is the same colour, and likes to attack the cat
  17. Our power bill is as about $340. which is the largest we've ever had. Where do you get polystyrene sheets from?
  18. Went to the zoo today, Now I'm considering doing a bullies tank
  19. :smot: But you have a valve in the handle, you get nothing extra out of the hose, but do get a laugh out of me.
  20. I got my pair from Pupuke Aquarium, there were two pairs left after I got mine. :smot:
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