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Everything posted by Hdoubleu

  1. Yay - three alive fish! If they are still like that tomorrow I will begin to doubt Mr Bris is evil and is doing it. Water change done.
  2. That is really kind of you to offer. Thank you. We have platy fry in our tank at home so I could replace them with them when they are a little bigger. I am beginning to wonder if I should replace them due to the tank size. I am offf to school to see if anything bad happened over night.
  3. Great - we are on tank supply so use that water - I hate Marton water so would never force it on a poor fish who has to live in it. You can smell Marton water coming out of the tap. Thank you all for the help you have provide - it is very insightful. I ask a lot of questions and no one told me to shut up which was really kind of you all. I will update on the fish situation tomorrow after the water change.
  4. Thanks for the help - when I change my water will it spike the ammonia (as it is in the safe zone on my PH strips but not on the monitor in the tank) Or will it lower it? (My partner has done all the fish work since we started keeping them. I should ask him questions but he is in bed)
  5. And by cleaned I mean water change. How big should my water change be? Suggestions?
  6. The tank has only been set up for two weeks and as about 10 days was cycling this will be the first water change over the weekend. Our home tank gets cleaned once a week.
  7. When I got the tank I thought it was bigger in literage than I just got told it was. We had 8 guppies, 6 tetras and a bristlenose in it for 6 months without a problem. It will just be for The fighter if my last Platys dies (I thought it was a 30l tank but my partner tells me it is not)
  8. The ammonia is coming down - Water change will happen tomorrow when I go to check on the little guys (and hope that my platy is still alive)
  9. The platys we put in the school tank came from our big tank at home. The were tuxedo platys that we had had for about three months. The day we moved them into the school tank we also bought six new platys (3 sunset and 3 red wagg) and put them in our home tank. The next day one of the red waggs was dead and the pet shop gave us another. The dead one this morning was a red wagg also. The school tank is 16l and the home one is 185l.
  10. We put the Siamese fighter in first and then the Bristlenose and platys. I have on of those ammonia monitor on the tank and it was on caution for the whole week but now is lower (this morning when the tank was fill of dead fish) I will go into school tomorrow and check up on them again. I was thinking of getting a female Fighter if my other platy doesn't make it. Would I need to get two?
  11. We have a female bristlenose at home (a brown one and a gold one) - we have has the brown one since our beginner tank and she is fine. When we added the male Bristlenose she beat him up and ripped up his tail which is why we moved him to the school tank. I think the platy at home may have died after giving birth as there are fry hanging around that we haven't seen before. The bristlenose at school is a male - does this make them more agressive? I just don't want him to hurt the Siamese fighter as my class are well attached to him (and he cost me $25)
  12. Yeah - it is cycled. The fish have only been in a week. The test strips are all coming out in the safe zone. What information do I need to give you as I am not sure what specifics you need. :roey:
  13. No thoughts? I kind of just want to know if anyone thinks it is Mr Bris (the bristlenose) who is the problem. All the 'experts' at work are telling.
  14. Hello, we are just a little bit new here. We have a tropical tank at home with some tetras (neon and rummynose), Gouramis (Moonlight and Dwarf blues), Platys, Glas cats, a couple of bristle noses and harlequin Rasboras. I also have a tropical tank in my classroom with Platys, a bristlenose and a Siamese Fighting fish. This morning we found one dead Platy in our tank at home and two in the tank at school. Does anyone have suggestions as to why these guys are dropping like flies? The ones at school looked like they had been sucked on by the bristlenose but I can't be sure if that was before or after they were dead. Is there anything that would make Mr Bris chow down on Platys while they are still alive? I thought maybe it could have been the two females who have recently had fry but it was a male and a female that died. Any thoughts would be appreciated (having to break news of dead fish to kiddie winks is a tad saddening - although we did have a moment of silence for Pattie and Paddie)
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