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Everything posted by TomGilberg

  1. TomGilberg


    Hopefully you get some! I dont like the pants idea
  2. haha he just absolutily crank his co2 till the fish cant survive. his plants flourish to the max though. hes drop checker has gone past yellow and is just clear
  3. Kia ora from germany
  4. As said putting the d Filter media into the New filter works well. Crypts are Super easy really rewarding plants, the have a really nice variation in colours, they do however require good root fertilisation. I would really recomend getting a substrate fert, if you ever want to get plants that Need it you wont have the hassle oh changing it, the ambulia will thank you to.
  5. TomGilberg


    cool, say hi to amy from me
  6. TomGilberg


    hahaha, what if i get caught... customs officer: sir, sir why on gods earth do you have a fish up your anus... me: it was cheap?
  7. TomGilberg


    just to set things straight about the cheap L046, im living in germany atm. things tend to be cheaper here. the population of germany is 80million, this means there is a lot more breeding of these fish going. but probably the main reason why i can get them so cheap is that the guy i know breeding them is a family friend
  8. I cant for the Life of me find any!!!! It sucks ive been looking so hard. Thanks im happy with Most of the Progress Happening
  9. flow is really important in a planted tank! its really helpful for hair algae and as mentioned help remove dead spots. the idea behind starting the co2 before the lights on is that its at 30ppm (or what ever you want it at) when the lights come on. start with an hour and from there. i have mine come on 2 hours before lights on. if you're going plants only go nuts on the co2,i know aguy who has a liquid death concentration of co2 in his plants only tank, 0 algae.
  10. TomGilberg


    im poor also im staying with a mate and his family, there isnt much space but i could get some zebras for under $200 a peice
  11. i love high tech tanks! plants are just so much healthier,i mean look at this moss LOOK AT IT! no algae at all, nothing. so vibrant, ill never go back to no co2 injection haha
  12. TomGilberg


    oh mean good to see they are being competitive if i had a big tank id be making you very jealous with super cheap and awesome Lnumbers hahah
  13. *singing* its a new day its a new life sunrise over new lands
  14. TomGilberg


    Is that petfever?
  15. Nice! How come there so Little substrate? Im not a marine guru, is there a reason Or just cause.
  16. Isnt the aim with a CO2 setup to keep the bubbles away from the surface for as Long as possible, to let them diffuse?
  17. Looks brilliant! Ashame bout the shrimp
  18. i just found a water parameter chart for this area http://www.ruhrpower.de/fileadmin/downl ... rheide.pdf it might be a bit confusing for you as its in german, but what am i looking for when im looking for the chlorine content. i can only see chloride
  19. yea i did, last night i put in some shrimp food after lights out and counted 5 i think, so not all is bad.
  20. disaster strikes! i have managed to kill some if not all of my shrimp. great start! after some research and joining a shrimp forum i found out what i think is the problem. they were acting fine untili did a 50% water change. then things went down hill quickly. i was told it was the tds shock (total dissolves ssolids) from a big change, makes sence right? i wont be doing large water changes anymore, ill try 25%, just twice as much. so i think ill buy some white pearl or red fire shrimp at 1.20 i can cope with deaths a little easier than the orange ones (((
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