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Everything posted by TomGilberg

  1. thanks guys unfortunately i dont think its a tank competition, more of a compitition of who can get people to like there photo... oh well thanks for liking i mean this is winning, says it ALLLLLLLL https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 0591_n.jpg
  2. hey can you guys do me a favour? i entered a conbtest from a local petstore (in nelson) if yiu could like my entry id be very appreciative. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set ... 342&type=1 its Tom Gilbergs entry thanks
  3. leave me to my overpriced scissors! haha na i think they are super helpfull
  4. TomGilberg

    earth worms

    I gave them to my natives no problems
  5. Great work!! i think there should be a tank feature in each edition. Including Infortmation on maintanence, equipment, fertilisation(if applicable),stocking and so on
  6. price wise ADA is super expensive, but the products are just so good... im sure i will have these for many years to come.they are a joy to use. in my opinion worth more than a 10 buk jobby.
  7. Maybe i shouldn't have but eh no regrets this thing is TOP quality haha ADA makes spending larger amounts of money to easy. this thing even comes with a certificate ^^ now i just need a wave cutter and some tiny scissors for detail trimming and im set,oh i forgot some high quality tweezers, the list goes on...
  8. yea im sceptical the 12 died because of an air pump faliure.
  9. so far i can see Bosemanis, rummy nose and discus
  10. a friend of mine had a planted tank he dosed with excel, he then stopped and got BBA, hmm perhaps it was something else. with the snail thing.. if you dont want it to become a problem remove them as soon as you see them!
  11. i wouldnt use a Co2 dosing method for a short time, if you're gonna ddoit id recommend sticking to it. Thats because flucauting Co2 levels cause algae, black beard algae. you dont want black beard algae, noone does. not any sane anyway.
  12. thats very cool liam! loads of new growth on my eliocharis and h.japan but my staurogyne is having a hard time converting :(its getting brown tips
  13. a little unfair eh yup got it in a bag with an amano shrimp so i thought id try it out. tthink itll do well sending out runners already.
  14. here are my 'wabi kusa' i would really call them that the first on is sort of an iwagumi scape just without water. the second is just seeing if these plants grow im not covering them just misting lots
  15. damn....those are some nice wabi kusa...
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