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Everything posted by Li@m

  1. Li@m

    This or that

    Swat (more rewarding) Lab or Boxer (dogs)
  2. Some of our families Pets. Ellie Harry Quellaa Breeding stock Guide Dog who just had 7 pups. ( can post pics if wanted)
  3. Looking Good :thup: IMO you need to move the circled plants at the front to the back, in behind the drift wood.. Just my 5 cents worth. :smln:
  4. Li@m

    This or that

    Frost Fiji or Hawaii?
  5. Li@m

    This or that

    Spaghetti. 2Degrees or Telecom?
  6. Li@m

    The What's Up? thread.

    About to take my dog for a walk. Please dont rain, please dont rain.
  7. Yeah.. The're a little big. Looking for under 10cm as to not give my tank a crowded look. :smln:
  8. Li@m

    This or that

    Ice age. Scone with jam or Scone with jam and whipped cream.
  9. Tanks for the responses. Im still undecided on what type to get, but will definitely be having 2.
  10. They are so beautiful. I am definitly gona re- stock my 24l with guppys.
  11. MDF is card board- just really hard cardbord :smln:
  12. Hockey practice.. IT DIDN'T RAIN! :happy1:
  13. I am looking at either a electric blue rams or Aspitos of some kind, Peacock maybe? Preferably i would like to have a pair but will settle for 1? Tank size: 60x40x40cm (LxWxH) ---WILL BE PLANTED--- Other in habitants: 7 bronze corys, 20 Ember Tetras (eventually maybe not so many?) Any suggestions good or bad are welcome? Cheers.
  14. Li@m

    This or that

    Stainless steel Moss wall or 3D background ( rock etc...)
  15. Its funny how, when ever the government wants to put a new bridge or tunnel in etc. There is suddenly a Taniwha that lives there! that no ones ever heard of!?!?!
  16. Nice tank, and some nice looking rams. :nfs:
  17. tympanist Definition: One who beats a drum.
  18. Li@m

    This or that

    Milo Blue ram or Electric Blue Ram?
  19. +1 :thup: Rather them than me swimming with them. That Turtle was so fast,
  20. Li@m


    Thanks. I think hes fully grown. I love it when there little feelers grow really long.
  21. Li@m


    One of my Bronze Corys.
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