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Everything posted by Li@m

  1. Ill try dredge up a paper i was reading about how in nz the lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae and lilaeopsis brasiliensis actually arent what they are specified as.
  2. Li@m

    The What's Up? thread.

    This forum and the FNZAS website are being upgraded at the moment and will be switched over soon to the new web site! Hopefully. So that probably explains anyprobs you have had with the forum.
  3. Very interesting, Makes sense! Great video, What plant is that in your tank at 1:27 ?
  4. Now those are neat fish! Love those Loaches! :nfs: :cophot:
  5. & Welcome! Pm me or email the address below on how to join the club. It would be great to have you come along!
  6. I used to have Sundadanio axelrodi, but they all died on me. Very cool fish though, haven't seen them in the shops for a while.
  7. Li@m


    I've had Isoetes kirk before but it did not adapt to my tank well and eventually died. It also does not like being moved.
  8. Ive kept Asian rummynoses, great fish but they all died on me. There are some smaller Danio species around. Also look at emerald eye rasbora a highly under rated fish imo
  9. Welcome back! Pop along to one of our Auckland club meetings we would love to meet you!
  10. Just want to see who out there has them? Anyone bred them successfully?
  11. iambuses http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/defin ... ish/iambus
  12. Li@m

    The What's Up? thread.

    They arrived today!! great light, i think i need another one though
  13. Li@m

    The What's Up? thread.

    Nope just Checked. Its in NZ.
  14. Li@m

    The What's Up? thread.

    3 Days Mine has just past customs in the USA i think.
  15. Li@m

    The What's Up? thread.

    Ordered a Finnex Ray2 for my tank :nilly: :happy2:
  16. Li@m

    This or that

    Otago. Russian Fudge or Chocolate Eclairs?
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