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Everything posted by Li@m

  1. Firstly Hello! and Welcome How high is your tank, 30cm? Those lights you have are great lights! You will be able to grow plants like Java fern, Anubias, Dwarf Sag, Cryptocoryne sp. (Crypts), Ambulia, Amazon Swords Java moss and christmass moss. That heater should be fine. (someone want to add on this!?!) Filter: The Sunsun in that link will be fine for you tank. if possible get a slightly bigger one. Eheim 2213s are over rated! Fish: A nice big school of 20 or so tetras will look really awesome! Along with maybe a dwarf cichlid (a blue ram Pair?). There are also Dwarf gourami, Hatchet fish, dwarf chain loaches, Cory catfish, plecos, the list goes on. Go to Hollywood Fish Farm they will be able to point out to you all the right types of fish that will be suitable to you. I suggest you start out with some simple fish and slowly add more fish to your aquarium after you have cycled it. Also ottos are great algea eaters, but to avoid algae in your tank it pays to have good water flow in your tank (try have all the leaves moving). Substrate: There is a substrate called midnight black which is a fine grit and is really good to plant in. If you are not wanting to do multiple layers of substrate You can use JBL Root Balls. Also look into a topic called Aquascaping!
  2. With all these slow growing plants i wont have to do as much maintenance.. hopefully..
  3. That was my reaction! Although he did pretty well to beat up sam's fighters.
  4. lol start you better start breeding them..
  5. Tank: 60cm x 44cm x 35cm (LxWxH) Rimless Front Panel low ion glass, All edges Polished and beveled. Substrate: Seachem Flourite Dark Lighting:3 G24's Ferts: EI Co2: 5kg Cyclinder Plants: Anubias minima, Anubias nan 'Pitete," Anubias nana, Java Fern, Narrow Leaf Java Fern, Dwarf Sag, Bolbitis heudelotii, Cryptocoryne sp, Twisted Val, Peacock Moss, Christmass moss, Lilaeopsis novae-zeelandiae and what i think is Eleocharis pusilla. Fauna: Embers and a few ottos Heater: Hydor Inline 200W The Water is a bit cloudy ATM and i will post some more clearer pics soon.
  6. Tank dismantled. New scape up shortly.
  7. From looking at pics online they definitely were the N. mortenthaleri
  8. I cant remember sorry.
  9. I saw these at hff mt roskil yesterday and they were really red!
  10. :cophot: I guess you are using a speed light?
  11. Li@m

    The What's Up? thread.

    Finally got a 5kg co2 cylinder today :nilly:
  12. You get a discount at fish stores. 10% off at Hff if I'm correct.
  13. Something like this?? http://www.adana.co.jp/en/products/da_waterfall/
  14. Yeah went to that the other week, its pretty cool!
  15. Li@m


    & Welcome!
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