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Posts posted by hovmoller

  1. I still have a group of the Peru "Altum" Angels (scalare) but not breeding them at the moment. May do again some day.

    About a year or so ago some Rio Atabapo wild Altums were imported but from what I heard they were all destroyed by MPI because of suspected virus.

    As far as I understand angels are risky business to import because they are in the "high risk" category on the import allowed species list because of the likelihood of carrying iridovirus and so may be culled without much hesitation if only a few die in quarantine.

  2. Let me answer your question with another question: what does a "standard" Discus look like? I don't think there is such a thing as a standard discus.

    There are many different looking discus in the wild, depending on the area they are from. These are roughly grouped into brown,green,blue and Heckel.

    The problem (for me at least) is that close to all the discus for sale in NZ fish shops are "man made" strains and I don't like those.

    The few wild ones I have seen have been actual wild caught fish and therefore cost an arm and a leg and are more difficult to keep.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Adrienne said:

    Ron imported them (I am fairly certain)  but as far as I know they didn't sell.

    Yeah just only recently found out about that.. I would have bought some... He could have contacted me, he knew I was after wilds. :D

    Benny on TM also had some called "Alenquer Red" bred in Vietnam I think, which you would think would look wild. But they looked like some weird red/melon/wild cross so I was not interested.

  4. So I know I'm not the only one wondering about this but why does no one ever import any discus that look like they do in the wild?

    Plenty of other weird looking discus gets imported.

    Most other aquarium fish do and these wild discus types are certainly popular overseas so why not in NZ?

    I'm not after real wild discus.. too expensive and too risky for me. Been there done that.

    So if anyone can import some good quality brown/blue/green wild looking discus at normal discus prices then I'll be the first to buy a group I promise!

    e.g. from here: Stendker in Germany or from Asia I don't care as long as they meet the criteria above.

    I can't post in the commercial topic but would love to hear what any importers or shops have to say about this?


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