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Everything posted by nativelover

  1. cool thank you so much once i get him a couple of friends i want to move them in to a species tank as i had three in a big tank before but all they did was hide so have moved them in with the inanga and they have changed so much.
  2. email has bein sent thank you so much
  3. i am just wanting to see if anyone can identify my kokopu. As i am unsure how to load them could i send them to someone please. thanks so much
  4. how big was that riffle tank ? what dimensions?
  5. thanks for that it actually makes sence i am only a begginer so any advise is always good
  6. cool i have split it up a bit since the pic was taken.
  7. thanks soo much for that im 16 iswell but no barely anything about computers lol so what do you think guys ? i am wanting to place alot more plants in but is it a good start?
  8. haha thanks alot but dont worry too much no hurry 8)
  9. ok thanks sam whats your email ? i have tried to setup a photobucket acount but no luck.
  10. hi i set up my puffer tank a few weeks back and i am cycling it at the moment but am wanting to check is my layout good? the only problem is i am unsure how to place the pics up??
  11. hi i have just brought a new tank and have an algae eater will he be fine with freshwater dwarf puffers? thanks
  12. looking great what fish will go in their?
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