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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. LOL If she was a teenager I'd be pretty unpopular at school.
  2. But appearance is a bit more outward then yours :lol: I went to my friends to talk to his dad about fish. His little sister answered the door, then started screaming and ran up the stairs crying. Then when i went up the stairs to see the tank in the lounge, she was hiding, in a barrel, screaming to see me when she popped her head out :lol:
  3. Hahaha. Aimed at anyone in particular?
  4. MW2 nice. For a start. You have a ps3 Kidding they are all good. Does ps3 have nat types?
  5. Can you give us a bit of a guide on how you did it? =D
  6. He choses to sing with that style of vocal =p HERO OF WAR! YEAH THATS WHAT I'LL BE! Love it haha. Friends and I always have huge sing alongs
  7. Join the auckland one too lol. Way more local..
  8. I'm not that ignorant :lol: His Octave range in some peoples opinions is six. It is a really talented band that I don't think gets enough credit for the skill. Drummer is crazy. Dani also is a very smart man. He reads a lot of old stuff. The most recently released album is about Gillies De Rais which he did all the research for. He actual puts thought and knowledge into his work, unlike a lot of popular modern bands
  9. I know adults that listen to worse stuff then me. Dad came home from work one day with two cases of CD's. The man from his work had a whole heap of Cannibal Corpse albums and all the other heavy ones I think its when you were brought up and what you were brought up on. Heaps of kids love all that "emo" music and stuff simply because everybody else does. Each generation has their music haha. My gran says her parents despised the Beatles, but she loved them But in saying that, Cradle of Filth have been playing longer then i've been walking
  10. You cannot find the lyrics because the song was only released yesterday haha. Any other song by Cradle of Filth has lyrics online :lol: He's actually really talented at the style of vocals he uses, funny how you found it annoying even though he's one of the best haha Hey hey hey! Cant say I don't have taste! is one of my fave! A bit of Simon and Garfunkel always goes down a treat too =p
  11. If you want to clean your filter wool. Rinse it in your aquarium water that you just syphoned out into a bucket. Never clean it in tap water etc as the chlorine will kill it. HTH
  12. They are truly the best IMO. Aside from The Beatles 8)
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