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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. No they are totally different fish. Look up the scientific name given by billaney
  2. There is no such thing as over filtration - unless you have so much current the fish are swimming backwards
  3. You know Errol that you can go to ChCh to see the fish shops without going to hospital too don't you?? :lol:
  4. I think tubifex worms need really filthy conditions so the midge larvae are more likely.
  5. They had dinner with us just before heading up north (they just missed that terrible ferry crossing that took 8 hours plus sheltering in Cloudy Bay and were definitely pleased they were on the earlier ferry before the weather got so bad). They were lovely people and great company. Sheila will be missed.
  6. Mollies prefer a little salt in their water. Occasionally a fish is born without a gill covering and it is possible this is what has happened with your molly. I have seen fish like this before and they manage quite normally.
  7. Caryl

    Not Happy

    Just to show what this site can do... I was rung Christmas Eve by a member of this site asking if I could help with some contacts in her area as her tank had just cracked and she was trying to save her fish. I was able to give her numbers for 3 people so hopefully she was successful. I haven't heard back and don't have her phone number so can't check. She is unable to visit in here often so sending a PM will not work. I will PM the others though and see if they were able to help.
  8. If it is a slow leak it won't be a problem as they come with a tray they sit in. Some people aren't technically minded so just cos they couldn't fix the leak doesn't mean you can't Alan Sue me for what Maran? A suggestion?? Sue away :lol: I will be interested to see how many years they last. So far all ours have been trouble free and are still as quiet as the day they were installed ie you have to put your hand on it to feel the vibration as you can't hear it.
  9. Blue emperors are usually peaceful. Nothing else attacking them? No specific tetra section. "Freshwater" is a fine place to put your query.
  10. Is that all Billaney? Your fish on a go-slow? :lol:
  11. On the first day of Christmas (well, Christmas Day actually) my brother gave to me... a birdbath for my new shrubbery (had to rhyme didn't it?) On that same day of Christmas Grant finally did for me... the plumbing on the waterfallery (to keep the rhyme going) So while I was admiring the waterfall and birdbath I took a photo of some of the fry we caught from the big pond and put in the small pond. They are growing happily... The birdbath has attracted a visitor already :lol:
  12. Since nothing seems affected I would leave them be. I get small red worms appearing in my outside ponds. They are the larvae of something but I can't think what at the moment. The tpye of red worms that attack fish's gills etc live in the fish I believe, not elsewhere. Someone might say I am wrong though so don't quote me. :roll: Small white ones are planaria and harmless.
  13. We have so far bought 3 of the next model up - the 819. LOVE THEM. Have had them over 6 months and not needed to clean them out yet. Still excellent flow through the spray bar.
  14. Caryl


    Rummy nose tetras 8)
  15. Using pH Up is a big mistake as there is nothing to keep the pH buffered. All it will do is make your pH swing wildly and probably kill the fish. Better to have a stable low pH than a wildly variable one. I have huge bits of driftwood in my tank and it has never altered the pH, depends on the type of wood I guess. If it is worrying you, put some shell or bird grit (the stuff you buy for chooks) in the filter. That should keep the pH up a bit and stable.
  16. Caryl

    Fresh foods

    I think the shells are too tough for them to digest and may cause a blockage.
  17. Caryl

    Lime rock

    I used limestone in my African tank too to raise the pH.
  18. Caryl

    Fresh foods

    Try all sorts of fruits and veges to see what it likes.
  19. Caryl

    silver dollars

    These fish can grow 15cm and need a tank at least 1.2m and at least 45cm high with lots of swimming space. They will demolish live plants with gusto. Any larger community fish would be suitable but 4 - 5 of them would be enough on their own. I have no experience with the other fish mentioned so can't say if they would be suitable.
  20. Thanks. If you PM me with your real name and address you will get a copy of the magazine in which it is published. Of course, if you are already an FNZAS member you will get it anyway.
  21. Hmmm I will be next door in Brunei in the New Year, perhaps I will hop over the border and go fishing
  22. Are you implying fishing people are usually 'abnormal'? :lol:
  23. May I publish all that in the Aquarium World magazine?
  24. Caryl

    heater woes!

    Depends on the fish but most say 25 - 27C but my tanks are set to about 22C - except in summer they overheat all the time here :roll: Ordinary incandescent bulbs give off a lot of heat particularly in enclosed plastic lid systems (and black ones at that).
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