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Everything posted by reptilez

  1. So judging my picture of my male that I put up, it is a hatchling so how do you determine it to me a hi yellow or not?
  2. Stunning! Where did you get the parents of that one from Jason?
  3. It still has yellow on it so it can't be a Mack snow
  4. Better picture of my smallest female from Dragonz. I love the colours on her!
  5. Is that also known as Supersnow alan or are they different?
  6. That snake is massive! How many feet/cm's is it?
  7. Alan your one looks as if it is a Halloween Mask?
  8. Alan's stunning Gecko Thanks for the help--will get it figured out again soon. This is one of the teenage twins from last season. This is the male and the other is a female (about half the size) The others I don't want to disturb as they are busy laying eggs and making babies.
  9. This thread is made for pictures of peoples leos. :cofn:
  10. Awesome thanks for that Dragonz. Is my male a hi yellow?
  11. Can you give us buyers an easy way to tell if a leo is hi yellow looking at it from a hatchling? I am pleased with my leo. She isn't the biggest but is definitely growing. Thanks dragonz for the gecko! Love the yellow in her
  12. Which girl? If you are talking about the one i got from you, I have been desperately trying to feed it but she refused to eat. remember. In the recent weeks she has finally been eating regularly and is eating crickets, mealworms and locusts. I am trying to fatten her up but hasn't been eating ever since i got her.
  13. My Leos. Females 8 Month old girl from Dragonz Male Got this guy from Alan today. Top quality!
  14. Wow, do water dragons roam freely where you live? :spop:
  15. Welcome to FNZAS :dnc1: Can you get red ear sliders in Australia?
  16. Phone picture so quality isn't the best but you get the point. Just a breeding setup remember and is not really aesthetically pleasing haha!
  17. Just a breeding setup so doesn't look the best. Will post one on this thread tonight
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