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Everything posted by reef13

  1. Must have just been when i moved my tanks because they seem to have come alright now, everything back to normal thankfully
  2. I did read about that but don't think it could be that as i don't feed them much of that if any. almost looks like they have a shadowy beard
  3. I have noticed in my malawi tank that some of my fish mainly my demasoni have started to get some blackish spots and a slight darkness around the mouth and chin almost looks dirty.I noticed it today on 1 of my yellows too so thought i better find out whats happening the fish seem happy and fine otherwise and are eating well. I change some of the water very 2 weeks and every other test i have has come up normal as well. Anyone know what this is or is it nothing?
  4. yes those ships are awesome got to see one in action a while back, we have one heading this way soon so will be going for another look i think. would have been a cool chopper ride
  5. I work on a the salmon farm on stewart island so get to enjoy this every day. we also have mussel farms they are all the black buoys behind the dolphins
  6. Hi everyone just playing around with the new work camera today and thought i'd put up some pics
  7. reef13

    New arrival

    definitly a carpet shark, that is cool, they're very friendly
  8. those aquaterra 3d backgrounds are amazing if only we could get them in NZ
  9. so some people out there must have that nice green carpet looking effect in some part of thier tanks. would love to see some pics and what plant and technique you used to get it
  10. Whats the grassy stuff you have at the front of your tank called do you know?
  11. just wondering if this plant is availible In NZ and are there other plants i can get that grow and cover large areas kind of like a lawn?
  12. i'm with livingart, that way you can just wipe the dogs face and say good boy
  13. yep i bet no ones dog ever did that to your car phoenix
  14. people spend alot of money and go to alot of effort to build or provide adequate fencing to keep a dog in thier yard. cats roam freely and it amazes me that cat owners think its different because cats don't bother people. I have never had anyone elses dog pissing in my shed, claw marks from ripping everything in the shed and walking all over the car?????? If you are a respnosible dog owner which i'm sure you are and you take precautions to keep your dog in his own yard i would not feel guilty or responsible at all if the dog decided to eat the neighbours cat next time it jumped the fence. sure its sad when someone loses a loved pet but if it was so loved shouldn't they have taken precautions like you had to, so bad things happen to your animal or people or peoples property
  15. Thanks i'll get some pics later this evening and put them up of what it looks like now was just thinking of starting over as the things in the tank now are covered with a furry black beard type algae or something you'll see in the pics just due to them letting it get away. The lighting i'm not sure about but it doesn't look flash convincing dad to get a new light unit just got to try find a good one that fits Sounds like sticking with just the 2 discus is a good idea from peoples thoughts
  16. I went around to my parents house last night and asked them what they would like for christmas. straight away they both asked if i could please sort out thier fish tank and have it looking lovely for them over the christmas period as they have let it get away and don't really enjoy watching it anymore. The tank is a 4ft jinlong curved glass tank around 250litres they have an aquaone 1200 external filter. In the tank they have 2 discus and alot of algae. They love the discus so i'm just going to start it all over for them and go that way, however i have never personnally had any experience with discus so a bit of help would be great. For a start how many discus should i be looking at putting in there? they have 2 already a peach coloured one and 1 that looks like a blue turq to me. What other fish make a good addition to a discus tank that i should be looking at adding? I have read alot and tested thier water and they seem to be doing everything ok the discus are still alive the tank just looks yuck! any ideas on how i should make it look would be awesome
  17. you don't have to kill it first it is up to you if you don't you may find it makes a bit of a mess whilst splashing around for the first minute , if you want to just put it in the freezer for a bit will kill it or just stick it in the brain with a knife. If you can't fit the whole thing in and you want it boiled just tail it and take the legs and boild them. or you can just tail it cut the tail in half and oven bake it with a bit of garlic butter or cheese and sweet chilli sauce is nice
  18. I have just seen that 1 of my maleri gold females had a funny looking mouth and on closer inspection can tell that she has a mouth full of eggs have never bred africans and wanted to have a go. she is part of a group of 5, 1male and 4 female in a tank by themselves should i just leave her in there and just see how it goes or should i be looking at moving her. first time even seeing a holding fish so any advice is good.
  19. I have a toyota caldina station wagon, would reccomend as a great family car awesome toyota reliability a few models to choose from depending on what you want I have a gt-t which is the 2litre turbo 4wd model had it for 5 years never once had a problem. a bit smaller than a big holden or ford wagon or others like that but more than enough room and far cheaper on gas than a bigger car. you can't go wrong with a toyota or nissan for value and reliability in my experience
  20. reef13


    If the rocks are not big you may get away with not sealing it. but the cemix definitly raises the ph in the water if unsealed for a long long time if there is alot of it found this out when building a background as i'm sure others have also
  21. holy. almost makes me want some guppies. Ha yeah, like how you said almost
  22. i just fished about a dozen pigfish out of one of the salmon cages today, they everywhere at the moment
  23. A carpet shark would be perfect looks good sits still, too bad your not closer to stewart island could sort you out with plenty of stuff
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