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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. Although the tank is fine my MG is about 2250 !!! Anyone know of any affects to high MG can have. Cheers Ben
  2. haha without the HGH
  3. well im going to go shoping today, now i just need to find a food prcesoor im allowed to use
  4. Well the best way to pull them out is with selotape, works a treat any that you cant get out wash with vinegar as ira said or alchohol is good too.
  5. Have you had them ? Do you know the best way to get them out ?
  6. What would you use insted of the clam meat ? Scallops ?
  7. Common uve had a week now to perfect those macros (mine soent even have macro )
  8. Hmm new salt water thread ? Show us ya starfish :lol:
  9. Nah dude ill be showing off next January, think ive talked the wife into an SLR for my 30th :lol: The joys of having a doctor in the family As my mate allways said mary for money and learn to love
  10. No SLR so this is as good as i can get What ya got ? Ben
  11. Do you like the mix of 2* Actinic 1* Lifeglo 6500K 1* Powerglo 16000k And have you tried the new mtl halllide bulb yet ?
  12. Sweet as man Upgrades gonna be mint
  13. dogmatix

    Upgrade :P

    Just T5's real stoked Ben
  14. Test it with the hydrometer, remember 1kg makes30L
  15. u should let it mix completely
  16. No probs as long as it doent go below 22
  17. dogmatix

    Upgrade :P

    Oh man cheers for that Aaron i still havent unplygged mine will do it now.
  18. dogmatix

    Upgrade :P

    Just tried it with my hallide off WOW they're bright makes the sps look really nice with just the t5's on. Now maybe theyll grow 1.5mm a day instead of 1mm/ day :lol: . Next purchase tho (when i get the MONEY) i would like to double the flow again, maybe i should put the cannon fodder I mean SEIO back in the tank.
  19. steel or wood for the stand frame ?
  20. Bubbles just got one seems to be doing well not sure what hes feeding.
  21. dogmatix

    Upgrade :P

    added 2 X 54 watt T5's adding two more in a few months. Just gathering gear for my tank upgrade, which is going to be a 1500*900*600 tank with eight t5's and two 150w hallides. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
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