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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. But i have a RO man 4 stage unit very very happy with it.
  2. If you want a NZ rodi unit contact Anthony preston in howick auckland.
  3. see link http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?p=201231#201231
  4. If its the same as dupla 1 drop per 50L daily
  5. I was just in CHCH the past two weeks, i went to a few shops, the only worth a mention IMO is organism in Ilam, very good little LFS. Redwoods might be open when ur there.
  6. dogmatix


    have alook at this, would be best buy IMO http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/skimmer-vt17752.html Ben
  7. dogmatix


    even at wholsale u wont get much if anything at all someone was selling an aquamedic here past couple of days id say go with that
  8. Ive just started up a fresh water, gonna do a planted soon aswell :lol:
  9. WOW some AwEsOmE Tanks guys, Going from memory here are my favourite TOP 4 out of 5 NOT IN ORDER Puttputts Crackers NJD Wasps PIEMAN Everyone else your tanks look MINT :bounce: GREAT JOB Ben
  10. Would love a comp air cylinder, but thats the same price as the gun So a refil station yes that would be nice
  11. havent seen it yet aparently it looks good considering
  12. Both my babies are doing well
  13. My Toy I croped this one so not to scare any one.
  14. I figure us salties are a bit OCD so what did u score
  15. ROFL OMG youll never guess what i just saw happening in my tank at home :roll: :bounce:
  16. It is severly hammerd must have walked at night into the closed loop while it was off, then it turned on this morning at 7500LPH
  17. The ROSE at work jsut walked into one of the power heads
  18. Wheres the rest of the tanks ? Still alot of North shore tanks not up.
  19. Went and saw Wasps tank today, OMG his colours are awesome probably the best looking SPS iv'e ever seen in person, the photo's deffinately dont do it justice.
  20. dogmatix

    AquaC EV-240

    These are one of the most popular (non needle wheel) skimmers in the states, Ive allwaysliked them but the need a decent pump otherwise they crank
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