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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. Thanks all for the coments, I put a couple of my favourite acros, Red Mille and a purple frag in there as these are doing really well and ill post some more pics in say 3 mths. Ben
  2. Fay, yeah i,ve got another it wasnt doing to well but is really perking up now and should be back in the shop soon.
  3. purple and yellow is a Royal gramma
  4. Soz for not replying, yeah thats a chalk bass i got two of them
  5. one of my mates was getting nuissance algae in hi tank, from an opaque storage (approx 100L) of DI water, the container was in the garage and got very little sunlight. Just put a black rubbish bag over it, this will warm it up aswell Ben
  6. I only have two chalk bass in my tank mut man they are AWESOME.
  7. im probably gonna get the other kole warrick as they are both really nice, keen to get me one of the AB tangs as well
  8. My Predecessor, had told me that it was hospitol grade carbon, and i believe him. Many people westy1, jetski, myself etc use this with great success. (Westy works very closely with brendon on such matters and i believe he has found this to be one of the best on the market)
  9. Nicer (more adult) than that one
  10. Big ups to you, looking great Tom.
  11. But can they guarantee, 110 % with out a doubt ? isnt it also POSSIBLE he altered the photos to match what the tank realy looks like ? I dont use Zeo yet, but im going to. And im prepared to have losses, i've allready had losses from oher sorts of media to improve colouration and have accepted this. To me its enough keeping corals, i even like BROWN acro's, and health and growth is more important, but i think its good to try and push things to a certain limit for certain results
  12. I know Cookie very well, and believe me he ment no OFFENSE what so ever, I understand his point though. I like my tank alot and ive done it on the cheap. Im happy to talk to ppl about it or for ppl to come over when i have spare time that is. If you able to jump online, surely it doesnt take up that much more time to post a pic ? if you think your system works hta well, infact would be great to see a pic of your tank control, as not that manyy ppl here run turf scrubbers
  13. I'll be working sunday so make sure you say Hi, see you then. Ben
  14. Hve you bought in bulk ie 1kg or smaller containers ? thx ben
  15. I feed my tank Prodibo, Reef booster 3 X weekly Cyclopese daily Cyclopese rehydrated in red sea coral grow, 2 X weekly
  16. Isnt that a bit excessive, where is he supposedly get HGH from ? And fish or corals ingesting it isnt gonna do naf all as it will just get digested and broken sown into useless rubbish.
  17. Great to see the thread back on track
  18. C.E (Chris) thankyou so much, at last some one here is talking sense instead of more of the same B.S. Agree with everything youv'e said, this just one of the reasons why we no longer (unfortuonately) refer customers to this site, which might a say is such a good place to meet people and get help (most of the time anyway) Just my 2 cents Ben
  19. Mines doing very well, the thing i like about it is, to me it's kind of a visual indercator on how the tank is doing, as far as Ph and Kh goes anyway.
  20. Im so close to jumping in the zeo boat just gotta get the pingas to buy everything i need all up so theres not really any ongoing cost
  21. i got my hard cover from amazon for about $45 new, why dont you see if ppl want to pool together on shipping in some books.
  22. Oh no not you :lol: Sorry for the mistake Ronnie, like you said long time no see, all the fish are looking awesome, looks like you've been going hard these past few months. Ben
  23. WOW Nice fish Ronnie really good shapes, that has to be one of the best Red x White (Rising sun's ive seen) to me they have ALLWAYS been genetically weak as far as body shape goes. So we stopped ordering them into work. Melons look fantastic aswell. Excellent example of adults and fry I have bred from the RSTG he has paired with a Royal red, All the babies have gone Now, they still lay but eat the eggs :oops: Im gonna try to concentrate a little more on them all over the next month. Stoopid MTS
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