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Everything posted by herperjosh

  1. I doubt we would get snakes in at all even a corn snake.
  2. animates tower junction may have some
  3. it dosnt i tried it its just silica sand and dont use it for a leopard gecko
  4. My neighbor has one it is a horrible dog!
  5. Cardigan corgis i have on great dog Very tolerant and you can be rough with them and i think they are easy to train and have good personalities and my dog hardly barks and puts up with being hassled by my autistic brother. BUT stay away from pembroke corgis
  6. the others were way to expensive and this is a temporary heater but it is keeping the temp constant
  7. My catfish is on its side with a inturned stomach! I have also noticed my senegal when i bought him does very long number 2s is this normal? What should i do?
  8. I think exo terra sells a bulb to be used for turtles or other land/aquatic reptiles i think thoes heat bulbs around water can brake or somthing, or just use a ceramic heat emitter. For substrate maby big rocks or clean spoil?
  9. Finally the pet shops were open today and i got a 100w elite heater Supew- that was the only heater availible to me at my cousins and all the pet shops round in timaru close on sat and sunday that have heaters. Thanks for the help!
  10. Lol i know but it depends what fish u had in it lol
  11. People in chirstchurch have been told to boil water before drinking as there might be contamination. Some stuff that may have been settled in the pipe becore the earthquake might of been sturred up and it could be harmfull to the fish maby if people are getting sick from the water i dont think you should use the tap water. If you can just go and buy some bottled water to be on the safe side
  12. Thanks donna! The skinks are here with me in geraldine, the sun is finnaly shpwing itself so i am putting them out side to bask so they are fine and thank you for the offer but cant get the tanks or lamp but thank you
  13. THANKS ANTWAN ! I we might be going to christchurch next week i might take up your offer if we are it really depends on what i manage to get.
  14. THANK YOU FOR THE OFFER ! My uncle managed to find a tank at his school for me though but o really need a heater.
  15. im not to sure it didn't come with instructions but there is a big black thing inside the glass but i cant pick the temp or anything.
  16. ok it is quite small and i don't have a thermostat or anything and i would say the tank is about 40 liters and i cant get a heater till monday at the earliest do you reckon it would be safe to use?
  17. the school my uncle teaches at managed to supply me with a tank, air pump and old heater after the earth quake but the heater doesn't have a way of choosing the temperature and is a little 75 watt good life heater. Are these designed to be at a specific temp or something?
  18. Can any one near geraldine - south canterburry look after any of these animals as all my tanks broke in The earth quake 2 blue tongue skinks 1 15cm senegal birchir 5? Cherry barbs 2 peperd corys 1 kribenisis And an axolotl if any one can help me please
  19. Have you tried that salmon place in rakia with some natives they had alot of big tanks when i went i know some tanks it could go in?
  20. DAMN i was in the aquarium in the weekend got heaps of pictures and videos of the place, and all the natives were really cool that is a real bumer :tears:
  21. Well i came home to axolotls half dead on the floor and every fish tank with fish in it broken most dead only barbs and senegal birchir left and no water coming out of tap so had to use old pond water for injured axies and no heat either for fish! Me and my friend were loking at the foot path when an aftershock happend and water just came gushing out of the foot path! Roads are a wreck and heaps of flooding if u dont have 4wd you might not get through some parts! Living in sumner when the after shock was in lytilton is not good
  22. I dont have any light on at the moment as my dad is going to get a surge protector for it but i do have a hood.
  23. Lol my roon is not 30 or somthing degrees i cant stand the heat! I think my aqua one might be doin it as it feels quite warm-hot and it is still around 30 at night
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