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Everything posted by Lucid

  1. We will be keeping up the work for funding etc to help do up the park and help get things sorted to help out as much as we can. Not a lot we can do from here as such, which is hard to deal with when we know so much needs to be done, but will be running Auctions and getting a Trademe Charity going for the long term. Will be keeping up the Living Arts Bebo Page (please do support that!) And will be trying to sort out working bees etc. Main works done here by us all, but so much more we want to achieve for the Park also. Mystic & our wee family intend to stay close and continue our help for Mark & Caroline, even from as far as Wellington, because we still believe that this Dream was worth saving, and these fantastic people deserve our continuous help. So come on people, distance shouldnt make you help any less! If we can do it, anyone can! Please do keep up all that great work people, look what has been achieved by sticking together and helping out as much as we all could. I know there are some fantastic people out there, some that have given more than others, but every litlle bit counts aye. There are also some very caring and loving people that can and will put their minds to it and give their all to help someone else, and believe in someone elses Dreams, and make those Dreams come true or to help carry on the Dream of 2 wonderful people that would give anything to help another person, and to help Animals in need, and all you people that have done this for them, have really touched Mystic & I very much, as well as Mark & Caroline. Keep up that great support all! We are always here for you Mark & Caroline. (Our first mission is over .......................................... ) Lucid, Mystic & The Boys
  2. Mystic said: YEAHA BABY! WAHOO! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You have no idea how happy she is for you both right now! You FIGHT for your Dreams, and Dreams DO COME TRUE! Fantastic going guys! we are all so happy here! CONGRATS! Lucid
  3. Mystic said: YEAHA BABY! WAHOO! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You have no idea how happy she is for you both right now! You FIGHT for your Dreams, and Dreams DO COME TRUE! Fantastic going guys! we are all so happy here! CONGRATS! Lucid, Mystic, Tyler & Byron (PS: Mystic might be able to sleep a bit tonight, as should you two!)
  4. Wednesday September 17, 2008. The Park's future is still undecided, but is looking better as each D Day deadline finishes with a lifeline being thrown to Mark and Caroline five minutes before the crunch. Now the bank and the finance company are working with Living Art to try and secure a future for the Park that will see all parties happy. A decision is hoped to be reached by the end of next week. Updates will continue to be posted on the What’s New page on the Living Art website.
  5. We have found that Lumpheads\Lionheads\Buffaloheads are not peaceful towards anything that dwells on the bottom especially if they are pairing up or breeding. We have had medium Lumpheads kill full sized Cories and Bn's as they do not like anything near their territory. They will harass them to death. Once paired up or if you have aggresive males (especially if you have other males with them) they seem to kill anything that comes close to them or their territory. (ie: Danios, Gourami, Bn's, Cories anything really even other males or other females once paired up) HTH (Just our experience with keeping them for years and breeding them also) Lucid
  6. Everything is on hold till tomorrow - fins crossed all! Will post an update as soon as we get one from Mark. Best of luck Mark!
  7. Mark was still in a meeting\out when Mystic called. Hes gonna ring her laters. Hope all is going good still Mark & Caroline! Lucid, Mystic and the Boys
  8. Even our fish have their fins crossed for you both! BEST OF LUCK! Be strong. Lucid
  9. All the best for tommorrow Mark, all our thoughts are with you and heres hoping all your hard work and long hours of work into this pay off for you. All the best Lucid, Mystic and the boys.
  10. You had a crock in your bed and you got hit with a cold? Been told that hurts being hit with one. :lol: Just kidding, great work Alien4. Lucid
  11. Marineland's Last Dolphin Dies http://www.stuff.co.nz/4689041a7693.html Mystic remembers patting and feeding Kelly and Shona many years ago. Had the chance to swim with them but she chose not too (something to do with deep water) Poor things - R.I.P - in Fishy Heaven. Lucid
  12. Excellent David, best of luck! If they ever need a forever home, let us know aye. One of Mystic and I's favourite fish. Lucid
  13. Come on people! What happened to that flood of help we were giving? All stopped now? Hows about some words of encouragement for Mark & Caroline! Not long to go you know. Lucid
  14. Lucid

    Fish ID????

    Yup, Port Hoplo Catfish. They like to be in groups or they get a bit lonely. Sort of like Clown Loaches. Yes they are bubblenesters. Normally boys have bright orange on pectoral fins and fins are thicker than the females pec. fins. Also, Males breast plate is bigger than females, females have a wider gap. Also go orange\pink\purple underneath when breeding. Loves a planted tank with space to swim at the front of the tank (very active) and places to rest and sleep. Loves flake foods and bloodworms, and our group loved shrimp and prawns. HTH Lucid
  15. Where is everyone? Dont tell me you have all given up now? Where is all the support gone! Lets support the Bebo Page to aye! COME ON GUYS! THERES NOT LONG TO GO! Mystic and I are always here Mark. SUPPORT! Lucid
  16. We tried all that and it held it off, but didnt cure it at all. Low temp holds it off ok. We lost any fish that had this disease though. Lucid
  17. We are looking for Blue Tubes if you guys know of any? Dont care if they old ones. Lucid
  18. Make sure its away from your other fish. Make sure you dont transfer the disease. (Though your other fish mainly Livebearers, will proberly already have it) Most of the time they dont survive, but dosent mean you cant try if you want. Most remedies dont seem to work though. But you can try: Lucid
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