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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Thanks for sharing the pics, They look awesome!
  2. They are loovely! :bounce: sooo cute!
  3. Your very lucky!! Please post pics! bengals are lovely
  4. we will probably be getting one off him soon (when/if we have room) he was really helpfull with all the information we needed to get started. (forgot to mention, Thanks chilli for his details!!! )
  5. when ours wouldn't eat we held the fly/moth on the end of some tweezers and moved it around near them. after a while they got the point and ate it. now we don't need the tweezers now and they happily eat them up. how big are they? isn't there a rule not to feed them food that is bigger than their head? can't remember quite but it was something like that. one of ours got very stubborn and wouldn't eat like the rest. So we used the tweezers and kinda rubbed it gently across the frogs lips and he got the hang of it after that. Maybe he could taste it and liked it? I'm not sure what your suppose to do, but the above worked out well for us. Good luck!
  6. wow, great fish! have you decided which female he gets? Or you going to try both? Good luck! and tell us how you go!
  7. sorry to hear about that! i know how you feel, our old tank heater was faulty and over cooked the fish came home to see the water boiling and fish floating upside down! Wasn't a good day, but the pet shop replaced the heater (phew!) Hope all turns out well with your survivors! good luck
  8. congrats! :bounce: guess you guys are starting to settle down well now!
  9. they look awesome! how small now? oh I know where it is now, might pop in there some day. sounds like good shop!
  10. awesome! will definately PM you when/if (hopefully we will) get a bearded dragon
  11. where is redwood aquatics?? i have heard about this shop before but have no idea where it is
  12. when we tried to get a permit to bring ours from overseas, they said they could not give us one as there was no health standard for bringing in any type of tortoise in. And every permit issued for importing needs a health standard. Just for applying for a health standard could take up to four years, (which we didn't have as we were moving soon) but if there is no health standard for bringing in tortoises into NZ, how come the zoo was aloud to? or is there only a health standard for zoos transferring? Oh, and we also tried ringing different plane companys, because if they aloud us to bring the torts on their planes we would have been aloud I think. But sadly none of them would let us
  13. they sound awesome! do these live in the same conditions as angels etc? if you can some photos would be great, everyone will be jealous!
  14. looks great! if only rockwork was down here!!! lol
  15. Have you seen them? Or on a website? Because a while back I saw someone selling them on a different website. But wasn't too sure if it was real or not as well. Don't you need to have some sort of liscense...?
  16. wow, looks great!! good work!
  17. Love them name! and a awesome beardie
  18. wow you had quite a collection! I have newts, tropical fish, and turtles. Hoping to get a tortoise again, not sure out of a water dragon or bearded dragon - any ideas which one for a beginner? hope all goes well! are you getting the chinese or japanese newts? (if you get any)
  19. thats good! good luck with the reptiles! leopard geckos and tortoises is what we had in England, and are hard to find here What reptiles are you planning on getting?
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