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Everything posted by Jfishfanatic

  1. Thanks will have a look at them all. Im interested in nice siamese fighters, guppies and blue rams.
  2. Going up to Auckland and was woundering which shops are the best to go to?
  3. Welcome. :bounce: What sort of fish do you have?
  4. Awesome Dave. :bounce: :bounce: Best wishes with your fry. Have a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year.
  5. Awesome females Adodge. :bounce: Best wishes with the CT to come.
  6. Awesome, keep breeding those catfish! :bounce: Could you please post a pick of the king tiger & tiger panaque.
  7. Like Cam said put a clear container/jar with the female in it, in the same tank as the male. Keep her in there for a few days until gravid and give them another go.
  8. Can you take a pic of it when you have it your tank.
  9. Hope these pics maybe of some use.
  10. Thanks for that. Will see if she is a good breeder.
  11. Jfishfanatic

    ID please

    I got given this and was woundering if this is a female BN? It is about 13cm long amd 3-4cm wide. Thanks.
  12. VT - Veil tail -The common pet shop variety with a long tail. HM - Halfmoon - Half-moons have a 180 degree caudal spread. CT - Crown tail -The tail rays extend beyond the tail edge, producing a crown. DT - Double tail - Double tail bettas have a split tail at the base of their tail creating two distinctive tail lobes. SD - Super delta -A caudal spread of less the 180 degrees. OHM - Over Halfmoon -A caudal spread of more than 180 degrees. BBS - Baby brine shrimp. ST - Single tail - A single tail.
  13. Awesome Dave, now you have got your handsful. :lol:
  14. Yip as Diver said need plenty of holes and good water flow and regular water changes.
  15. Awesome Dave, glad to see that your HM spawned. :bounce: All the time you have put into these fish is amazing. Best wishes with the fry. Cheers Jo.
  16. I'm breeding CT fighters, guppies and hope to breed GBA soon.
  17. Cool hopefully they will spawn soon. What size are your clown plecos?
  18. I have two clown plecos. Was woundering what size they breed and how big can they get? Hows your ones Kimiplymouth?
  19. Thanks Mark, hows your CT male fighter? Did you find a female for him?
  20. Ok Dave, just give me a txt when you need her. You might need to condition her up first though.
  21. Awesome fighters Dave, the coppers are looking good.
  22. Hi all new to the forum. Sorry about the blurry photos will try update later.
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