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Everything posted by lmsmith

  1. All my attempts at that were miserable failures. I think I'm the problem though
  2. They are generally a bit more expensive, but totally worth it if you want something quiet imo.
  3. Eheim make great ones. Any water movement is going to create some noise though.
  4. And other societal harms - there's good reasons why as a society we should want the police to catch people who steal things. So this time, it's fish out of a pond. Next time it could be a TV from inside your house - and we've all seen the cases where robberies go wrong result in someone's death. A huge heated pond full of oscars would be amazing. Arowanas? How cooL!
  5. You're cycling your tank with 12 fish? What size is your tank? What sort of fish and filtration do you have? What's happening is your fish are producing a greater bioload than the bacteria can handle. Putting prime and stability in your tank aren't a fix-it - what you need is time. Honestly, I would look at rehoming your fish because ammonia isn't good for them. It causes them stress and could kill them. There are lots of ways you can cycle without fish that don't stress them out. Once your tank is cycled, you can SLOWLY add fish.
  6. Randy has shown than rinsing removes about 1% of the phosphate in food, so it's not going to be the primary issue.
  7. Guess it depends if you want it lightly boiled or seriously cooked My tank is tiny (22l) and was in direct sunlight for about 5 hours in a very well insulated house. Whoops!
  8. Ah. I had the same problem with a tank sitting in sunlight. Came home and it was 35C. Luckily it was only cycling and I managed to move it!
  9. That's weird. I wouldn't keep my blinds closed, but probably would have done like you did and moved the flag. No point in rarking people up on purpose, but telling people how to keep their blinds is silly!
  10. I would have thought it would need to eat a LOT of them to be poisoned?
  11. If you had a HUGE pond and just a pair of ducks it might be ok! You could always buy those FX5s!!!
  12. You could always go on a duckling kidnapping mission!
  13. Yeah, and fertile chicken eggs are only like $1 each. Insane!
  14. I've always wanted a pet duck, so that would be my vote! It would be awesome if you could get whatever it is as an egg and hatch and hand-raise it. How cool would that be?
  15. No fly spray here either. It's probably ok most of the time, but it just takes 1 time for something bad to happen I'm sorry for your loss, WillskE
  16. Oh sorry, green spotted puffer. They're awesome, they start life in almost FW then move through brackish to full marine as they grow up.
  17. I had 2 GSP that were living in full marine before they went carpet surfing. They were about 3 years old and beautiful, docile fish. I was expecting super aggressive. They're very intelligent fish, are puffers.
  18. OK. In that pic of the long edge, it looks pretty bumpy across the whole edge. How much did you pay out of interest?
  19. I thought you said the silicone work was clean? That looks awful
  20. Dwarf puffers because they're so adorable and like tiny puppies. Bumblebee gobies - I like their grumpy little granddad faces. Tetras (ok, I know this is a bit of a massive group, so I'm cheating) I love the way they school. A huge group of cardinals in a planted tank? Beautiful.
  21. I've never ever heard that comment from a man to a man, but if it were to happen, I would bet it would be more on the 'don't look grumpy' vein rather than 'look pretty'. A gay person can be homophobic or display homophobic behaviour. You've never heard gay men calling others 'fags'? It doesn't matter if you're gay or not. See above.
  22. Personally I wouldn't want to use a laminated glass tank. I'm sure there are plenty of people who have used them successfully forever, but quite frankly, the idea of having everything crashing down and flooding my house and killing my fish? No thanks!
  23. I find algae is much easier to control in a FW tank than marine. Much, much easier. I'm not really into the decoration thing as I'm on a densely planted tank kick, but plants can be found in petshops, on here (have a look in the for sale subforum, or post what you want in the WTB forum), or on Trade Me. TradeMe might be a great place to start - you can get 100 plants for like $20. It's amazing.
  24. I didn't start this thread. I mentioned it in passing in another thread, and mods created this thread. I think it's important in a world when we (mostly women) are bombarded by sexism to speak out when we see it. Sometimes people don't realise they're doing it and it's helpful to point it out. None of this was about telling anyone off, it's about informing people when they have said something that is harmful. Sexism isn't the same as misogyny, and homophobia doesn't need to be hateful. Saying pink is a 'gay' colour and that you don't want to wear pink has the clear negative implications. That you can't see that it's harmful is actually quite worrying. It's not about political correctness - say you don't like pink because it's pink. You don't like the colour, that's cool. What's being a girl or someone's sexual orientation have to do with it at all? No one is trying to stop you from having negative opinions about something. I don't like beans. I just don't like the way they taste, and the weird fur on the outside makes my mouth feel funny. That's a totally valid opinion to have. However, if I don't like beans because gay people eat beans, that's homophobic. See the difference? Here are some examples of why sexism is harmful. A taxi driver picking up a professor at an airport misses his passanger because he is only looking for males. He sees a female waving, but it doesn't cross his mind that she could be motioning to him - he's holding a sign that says 'Dr Martin', and that couldn't possibly be her. That's not misogyny, that's sexist. That attitude is harmful to women because it demeans their efforts and devalues their education. Another example is a man on the street telling a woman to 'smile, hun, you'll look prettier'. That's well intentioned but sexist because it assumes a woman's worth on the basis of her looks. The first one of those examples happened to a friend of mine. The second has happened to me on more than one occasion (maybe I need to work on not walking around with a grumpy face on). I understand that maybe YOU aren't my target audience, but to everyone else, please understand that sexism actually hurts women. It undervalues their worth - these are your mothers, your wives, your sisters and your daughters. I want to live in a world where no one says to me 'what's the point in getting a law degree when you're just going to get married anyway.' Don't you want your daughters to live in a world where their achievements aren't undermined because one day, they might choose to get married? Final note - joking about sexism and homophobia has been proven in a scientific study to increase sexist and homophobic behaviour. A joke, a troll or anything of that nature isn't an excuse. Own up - you were homophobic - if you meant it, own it and we can discuss. If you didn't intend to be homophobic, you should consider apologising.
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