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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. Great looking fish, at this stage ive resisted having guppy's...might have to have a rethink!
  2. Great pics, we have a Beagle crossed with a Foxy. Called him Rocky (after Joe Rokocoko my fav All Black). Just turned 1 last week. Hes the same with lying in front of the fire till he starts panting and we have to drag him away! Will posts pics when i get home.
  3. Woman always have the last word in any argument, anything you say afterward is just the beginning of a new argument.
  4. Virgil

    dead dwarf

    Same, i have 4 now. Pair of Powder Blues and pair of Red neons ? Do a weekly 20-25% water change. They share the tank with some tiger barbs and neon's but ive never seen any problems. Shy at first but recently have noticed they are spending more time out in the front of the tank.
  5. The tall ones ive already trimmed wont stop growing! Will be requiring another trim this weekend. Is it normal for the plants to do nothing for a few weeks then suddenly shoot up?
  6. Sweet, will look into that for any longer periods we are away. Sounds like leaving the lights off for 3 or 4 days wont do any harm, might slow the bloody plants down
  7. Yeah thats what i thought, they are in a pretty well lit room anyway. Not sure how a timer would flick 2 switches though :-?
  8. This seems as good as any thread to ask. We will be going away later this year for just a few days, bout 3 nights. Whats the best plan with the lighting for the tank, normally of course we turn them on first thing in the morning and off when we hit the sack later that night. Now i wouldnt want to ask someone to pop over each day to do all that for us. Is it best to leave them on the whole time we are away or off? It is only 3 nights and 4 days.
  9. Is that the stuff on the far left? Ive broken them up from 1 big clump into a few smaller ones..yep your right about leaves going black. The red ones havent really grown at all, so havent touched them trimming wise.
  10. lol probaby because it is, only been a month. Cant believe how fast those plants on the ends are growing. Trimmed a good amount off on monday, yet they are now once again heading towards the top of the tank.
  11. Your reading my mind Thinking of getting more tetra's but different from the neons, any suggestions to which would get along with the ones i already have? And yep would love a Siamese, only concern would be the Tigers but as i have 5 of them, they seem content to leave the other fish alone.
  12. Quite happy with how its all going, any ideas on improving would be greatly appreciated
  13. Cheers, yeah lovin the Gouramis, bought a couple blue ones initially then over the weekend got the 2 red stripped fella's.
  14. Sounds great, thats the plan anyway. Will do it tonight as the tank is due its weekly 20% water swap.
  15. Cheers, yep its the stuff on the far right and left. Have just shot up over the past week. Love to have more as the fish love swimming between and behind them
  16. Cheers that was what i was hoping to hear Really surprised how much these particular plants have just shot up recently.
  17. Sweet, so just a matter of hit and miss then. Just curious to know how far down should i trim, or does that not matter?
  18. Ive noticed the past few days a bunch of our plants have really taken off, have now reached the top of the tank. Just wondering the safest way to trim them (do i need too) Also can i take clippings from them and replant them? They are the green plants on the outside of the reddish looking ones, this pic was only taken a couple weeks ago, shows how much they have shot up! Funny enough the red ones which were brought at the same time are only half the height.
  19. Looks great mate, love the tall grass/plants at the back.
  20. Cant remember the exact measurements, around 800mm wide so yeah close to 3 ft. Quite deep though, think someone commented on that in another thread with my pics.
  21. Cheers If i went for a couple of Cory's, should i still have a BN or 2?
  22. Hey all, think youve seen pics of my tank. Its 135 liter tank and is currently becoming more and more planted. I have at the moment 8 neons (holding strong for a couple weeks now!), 5 tiger barbs and just the other day added 2 Gouramis, they look like the powder blue ones. I did have a Golden Algae eater but he died after 1 day ( im guessing due to the stress of being caught by the Animates guy who spent a good 5 mins chasing him round his tank). keen to add another couple Gourami's, and will like to keep the numbers of Neons and Tigers as they are. Just wondering how many more fish i can safely add. I am keen on a couple BN's (hopefully the smaller variety) and some Kuhli's. Cheers
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