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Posts posted by Olly

  1. You can indeed, they have the same texture as rabbit but with a stronger flavour

    In my opinion they don't taste good enough to be worth the hassle of preparing them, but it all depends on the situation

    You guys have cool possums that play dead. In NZ the only good possum is a dead possum

  2. Go out just as the willow buds open in early spring. There will be possums everywhere and the babies are just getting hair. Shoot every possum you see and chances are you will find a youngster, plus you are doing your bit for the environment :D You will see the tummy moving even though the mum is dead. Reach into the pouch and pull it out, they look EXACTLY like gollom off lord of the rings :lol: and it will move, hiss and mutter under uder its breath just like gollom does too

    If you are getting one as a pet, get a male because they keep other possums off your section (only really matters if you have fruit trees)

    Put it in a sock or a coat pocket until it is ready to face the world, and watch out for cats, they love baby possums

    We had one that slept in an old broken down car. It ate its fill of the fruit, but that was nothing in comparison to the increase in the amount of fruit we got once he had grown up and made a territory

  3. I have seen bullies school in the Makeretu River in Wairoa. Each fish shoots forward to the front of the school and stops on the bottom until the rest of the school has passed over it, then shoots forward again. It looks really cool when there are hundreds of them, and it is almost impossible to keep your eye on one individual. The school seems to roll along the bottom, I've never seen any other fish do it

  4. I am making an overflow box.

    I can get the acrylic to do so for a reasonable price, however I know next to nothing about glueing acrylic to itself and to glass

    Would silicon work? if so what type should I use?

    Is there a special glue that "melts" acrylic together? (I have read something about this somewhere)

    Would this modification to a conventional overflow box work to pick up crud that is on the bottom of the tank?


  5. what about testing whether fish like to school, and whether the size of the school has any effect?

    I would set up the experiment like this:


    line 1 is a removable partition

    line 2 is a transparent partition that stays in place

    line 3 is a line drawn on the tank

    To test:

    1. put one fish behind each partition

    2. remove partition 1

    3. record time taken for the fish behind removed partition to cross the line drawn on the tank - trying to get close to the other fish that are behind partition 2

    4. put test fish in with other fish behind partition 2

    5. put new fish behind partion 1

    6. repeat steps 2-5 until you run out of fish/patience.

    7. repeat entire experiment several times to make data more reliable

    Because you add the test fish to the school behind partition 2, the school gets bigger each time you do it, that means you can draw a graph showing the relationship between the size of the school and the time the fish take to cross the line.

    Use a small schooling fish :P

  6. Bubble and squeek have some good albino babies at the moment and a few are carrying the long fin gene. Can't remember the price but they were pretty cheap as they bred them themselves.

    Yea plus $35-40 to get them up to Palmerston North :cry:

  7. hi i hadnt planed to insulate it but might do

    going to breed angels to start with then not sure

    thanks all

    I have a normal 100w bulb heating 10 small tanks (10-25L each). they are currently at about 27-28*C and the light is on probably only a couple of hours a day

    What type of angels do you have/want to have? My latest batch is just coming free swimming now, probably tonight :bounce:

  8. This is insane. Kids need to be taught that things actually die

    People have lost their sense of reality.They don't get that animals have a brain and can feel pain. I grew up on a farm and used to get my townie mates to help with docking the lambs. Pretty much every one was all full of 'I wanna hold the knife!' or 'I can't wait to make them bleed!' but when they actually saw the tails getting cut off they decided they'd rather catch the lambs and play with them instead. It would take them all morning to work out that the lamb they were trying to catch was trying to avoid being caught, and start thinking about how to outsmart it instead of just run after it

    People have no idea about what the consequences of their actions are sometimes. I've been hunting possums with people that could pull the trigger but couldn't bear to look at the animal they had just killed, let alone finish it off if the bullet hadn't hit the right place. I find that really weird, it was like it was a game up untill they saw the dead possum, then you got the :o spooked look as it hit home that a gun actually kills things

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