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Everything posted by Olly

  1. never met a killie bold enough to bite I had half the skin on the back of my hand removed by an eel as a kid - thatl learn me for stabbing it with a pitchfork :lol: :lol: :lol: my little oscars a little bit nibbly too :lol: 8)
  2. www.addictinggames.com www.newgrounds.com/games they are free!!! on the newgrounds one look for a game called "this is madness" - its the most addicting, challenging computer game I have ever seen lol and its in 2D :roll: :bounce:
  3. I'll give it until tonight to improve I agree its probably too late I'm just worried about what killed them and could it harm my other fish
  4. Yea i took the filter out to treat her but it had been going for 3 days before treatment so I dont thing it will be a chemical in the water I took a sample in to the petshop and they said there was nothing wrong with the water - pH6.8, no amminia, nitrites, nitrates and everything else was fine too Oh well I guess theres not much else I can do I was just wondering if anyone else has had this happen and if they knew what it was or how to prevent it Thanks for the help
  5. I just read the packet and yes you're right they are antibacterial I cant afford a vet lol I'm a vet student (not that they've taught us ANYTHING about fish :roll:)
  6. they have a filter with carbon already ( the carbon was replaced 2 weeks ago) i have been doing 80% water changes daily since the male got sick i gave her a salt bath on wednesday the LFS gave me furan? and another antibiotic that i cant remember the name of. I have treated her with both, furan first and now the other one she still looks 80% dead
  7. There has been no change in the female overnight the scales havnt been sticking right out, they are just raised a little bit and there is white mucus under each one. It was much easier to see on the male cos he was dark but i didnt think to take a photo of him before he died
  8. Heres a poor photo i cant get a good one She just sits at the top all day You cant properly see the lifted scales but u can see she not happy and and a bit bloated
  9. the male didnt but the female sort of is but not much, not as big as a fish with bloat
  10. What killed my betta? On sunday I did a water change and on monday night I noticed that the scales on my male had come up a little bit and what looked white pus or similar was coming out from under the scales and he died later that night. now the female that was in with him is doing the same thing. She is lethargic and hasnt eaten for a couple of days, her scales have just come up a little bit and I can see the white stuff there Can anyone tell me what is wrong and what I can do about it? The LFS gave me some antibiotic but it hasnt had any effect so far and did nothing for the male
  11. I went outside this morning and tripped on the doorstep and fell off the deck facefirst into the mud :lol:
  12. :roll: :lol: :lol: thanks for clearing that up :lol: :lol:
  13. how big is a foot foot? they are awesome btw
  14. my 3ft display tank has young discus, guppies, BN, mollies, a killie and a pinoccio whiptail
  15. Olly

    Leopard Fish

    they often have them in wetpets in palmy
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