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Everything posted by johnny

  1. Theres a Red Aro in "wonderworld" (Rotorua), $1800. but if it's size your after then your better off with the silver aro's. i think Livingart (on the forum and is in Tauranga) had a Jardini for sale as well. After talking to him i reckon that would be a cool fish to have, really aggresive. Hope that helps.
  2. Breathing rapidly?
  3. Hey Adodge. Will get u a 300w Fluvel Tronic (brand New) heater if you want. I used to use cheaper brands but after some advice from others on here have swaped to them. they seem to be much better at holding the temp. You were gonna help me out with the guppies (and still can I hope), I hope i can help you with this, if u want. We can work something out, let me know Cheers Johnny
  4. Luke, dude cheers for the response. Have put them (the pair) in their own 60cm x 30 x 30mm tank (bit of organising around). Is that tall enough? I had to make room in my guppy breeding set up and turned it up to 28 degrees. Heres some pics, is this O.K? not sure what I’m gonna do with the guppies. May have to get another tank for the discus if this is a long term thing and don’t want to have guppies at 28 too long. Any ideas on what I'll get if I'm successful? Checkerboard or stripy/spotted pigeon? or something else?
  5. I have 1 other option. A small tank 400 x 300 x 300mm. Is it too small?
  6. Hi all Will start off by saying I’m a newb when it comes to discus (so you may have to put your suggestions in simple language). Anyway, I have four discus in a 180l tank. 1 very sickly looking Blue diamond 4-5cm (has been sick for months, still alive however) 1 Brown Discus 7-8cm (fairly good condition, same age as blue diamond, starting to get picked on by pigeons) I have recently brought 2 pigeon discus 7-8cm. The 2 pigeons have paired up and this morning I noticed 1 fanning eggs that were located on a large leaf. As I expected this afternoon when I got home they were gone. I was surprised to see them pair up, are 7-8cm discus ready to breed or does it not matter on size? Or are they simply ready to breed cause they have tried? I want to keep the pair in the tank and give them the best chance of raising fry, I know there are pros and cons of planted tanks but I would rather have them in there. So should I remove the other tank mates? If their too small let me know. Also do I have to remove all tank mates? Even algae eater and corys etc? If I need to remove the tank mates is there anyone who could look after my 2 other discus in Tauranga? (eg. dimebag, luke, livingart etc) I would give them away but I sort of got attached to them as they were my very 1st discus. Anyway what do u all think?
  7. The wide range of generous people on this site who r willing to do so much for others never stops to impress me and I’m glad to be a part of it. Thanks to you all who help others set their tanks up with the things they need and thanks to jim_r for the free stuff (even posted it for free). I hope I can do the same for others in the future .
  8. Im pretty sure most (but not all) fish stores in Christchurch have at some stage sold such fish. To put a different spin on things, I have worked for a importer. During the ordering proccess i have ordered dyed fish. If we had known this we would not have ordered them. For example, Red Tetra, is this dyed or not. You don't always know till the fish arrive and even then it can be hard to tell. Sure if they a bright blue or green or pink you could tell.
  9. Recently? if so thats shocking, i know i wouldn't be supporting a business that advocates this trade :evil:
  10. Hi all Sorry if I've been living on Mars and everyone knows about this already, but after doing a bit of reading on the net I felt quite simply sick. I had heard of painted/dyed fish b4 but didn't realy know anything about them. I was hoping people on here may be able to educate me a little on this issue. Do we or have we ever had these in NZ? or is it a non event in NZ and we have never allowd these in. Pretty sick if u ask me, what do others think? For those of u who r like me and arn't realy up to speed with this topic heres a couple of link's: http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... etails.php http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... icle_id=72 http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... p?news=848 Cheers Johnny
  11. Hi all found this snail when i was doing a water change. I don't mind snails but if people think I should get rid of it i will. So what do ya all think? Cheers Johnny
  12. Is the algae "hair like" Black? If so, yep black beard or what ever u like to call it.
  13. Whats the long answer Livingart? Is there, or isn't there?
  14. If your after sponge filters heres a couple of good examples: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/my-diy ... t5529.html http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/compac ... t8588.html
  15. Thanks for the advice all. I just wanted to know what the product was like. I know some people don't use conditioner but after reading the forum below I have started using it more frequently. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/next-v ... c&start=15 Thanks again. johnny
  16. Hey Luke yeah good man, water change 4-6 times a week. You got anything growing on? B keen 2 meet ya and see what u got. U still breeding much?
  17. They may start comming out more when they have explored a bit and had time to settle. Just athought, others might have a better idea. :bounce:
  18. how long has the tank been set up? And how long have the fish been in 4?
  19. Hi All Was hoping if anyone could tell me what this product is like. I have just brought 2L. I have used it for the 1st time today and when I add it to the water it produces lots of what look like air bubbles. Is it just the Chlorine and Chloramine being neutralised? When I add the water to my tank it takes a few minutes for all the misty bubbly stuff to disappear. Nothing went wrong with my fish, it’s just that I’ve never used a product that reacts as much as this does. Not moaning about the product, just wouldn’t mind an explanation. Cheers Johnny
  20. Hi guys Is this stuff realy good on flukes in discus? And is it safe in planted tanks or is it like many other qures for flukes and it kills everything in the tank and even the biological filter? Sorry if i'm going off topic Cheers
  21. Cheers Luke, but I can't take credit 4 them. Got them off Chin. How u doing anyway? r u livin in Taurags?
  22. Hi All Just got a couple of new discus. I love them. But can anyone tell me if the Peppering/greyish tinge will disappear on the checkerboard below: When I bought him he was nice and clear with none at all, I’m not saying he’s bad looking, it’s just I noticed it under his mouth especially and then noticed it really lightly over his body. If you look closely in the photos u can notice it. I travelled down from Auckland with them and by the time I put him/her in the tank I noticed a slight peppering. This is the other discus I got and it’s nice and bright with no peppering at all. Will the checkerboard go back to how it was when I picked it up? Cheers Johnny
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