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Everything posted by scott16

  1. scott16


    sounds good theres probly bbugs on surface that they will eat as well
  2. maybe put him on a leash with a check chain next time and when he goes to eat the rocks give a jerk ofthe lead and and say "no" lol hope it does come out in one of his massive poos without hurting him
  3. thanks for that must take a while to suck through
  4. yeah it says on the salmon dance song the salmon have bettersmell sence than dogs lol so maybey there were real facts in that song
  5. ouch thats gona hurt coming out hope hes ok
  6. lol true sorry to hijack but how do u start ur filter i got mine 2nd hand so just fill up put that cap on the connect pipes then squirt hose up in pipe the turn on filter but it takes a while to get going on its own is there a better way
  7. u could glue it down i havnt had problem yet
  8. i saw one just before but when someone wants to know i go blank if i remember i will let u know lol
  9. it looks cool cant wait to be able to get a beardie of my own
  10. gisborne has great beaches kaiti hill has a good view and a walking track
  11. oh ok will have to find a cheap 1 thanks
  12. im in town so i dont really want to put it outside
  13. it was caused by the earthquake scared the person so bad
  14. not much left by the sounds of it, should be done in 30 minutes lol :lol: :lol:
  15. um im not sure how old but snookie will know it used to be snookies i gave snails last night cause i saw them outside after making sure neighbors were ok after last night i dont know it he ate them or the escaped lol :lol: he likes to hide alot but he seems ok
  16. our house is a mess one of our dogs wouldnt even move for ages lost a fish out of the tank cant even find it tanks are all half empty lol and tables are not soft when you smack your head on them
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