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Everything posted by Salty

  1. Im no expert but fish flashing is also a sign of chlorine in the water. How much salt did you add? What are your other water stats? Include - Temp and airation. Is she isolated?
  2. I wanna baby....so cute!!! Cluck, Cluck. Whew....over it know. Well done!! Maybe, I'll get to see some fish and a wee bein, this w/e
  3. Is coral grown for the export market or is it harvested from reefs? I have considered a saltwater tank, but I heard that the collection of live corals is having a devastating effect on these fragile eco-systems which majorly puts me off.
  4. Like most tetra they have to be kept in a group/school of at least 5 to feel secure and prolly will be fin nippers.
  5. Don't Congos grow rather large? would your bettas be safe?
  6. How hard is it to get a permit to import fish? Just curious. Its no real shock the mark-up that LFS put on they're stock though, due to the elements that conch listed. Are arowanas quite hard to breed? I never considered keeping these fish, before but I'm appreciating them more they have such a graceful way of moving. I'm leaning more towards helping out our natives.
  7. Is it possible that there is chlorine in the water?
  8. Salty

    RIP Gavin

    It is a sad thing he was a character
  9. I agree It could be any number of parasites - Flukes,Anchorworm, lice or Ichthyobodo. You could try a salt bath treatment. 1% for 30 mins to start if you have other fish best to treat the whole tank with a preparation for parasite from you LFS copper sulphate/formalin based. many parasites are self reproducing and reproduce fast.
  10. Glad to here they are reducing the quota for most commercial fishing all round... maybe they could take a break from the ole whitebait season most of the galaxidae family seem to be threatened according to this site the mudfish aren't protected thats interesting. http://www.nzfreshwater.org/index_main.html to hazard a guess to your question the dwarf inanga?
  11. Salty

    Hello everybody

    The labs are just babies right now that another reason to get another tank as well (like I need an excuse). Will change the profile too I'm in Wellywood Yeah know about the bigger, brighter better thing been a sufferer too long LOL. I medically need another tank LOL.
  12. Salty

    Hello everybody

    Just Joined Like what I see so far Currently have: 120l Planted tank 4 Gourami 4 Yellow Lab 4 Cherry Barb Want Bigger Tank and more fish! Call me crazy but want to DIY as much as I can. Not just a hobby an obssession
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