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Everything posted by paul_r
The house that Jack built - Metallica
Change (in the house of flies) - Deftones
sorry i think it was $1 an ounce
we used to get our gas from Forestland in Whakatane for paintball, worked out being $2 per ounce of CO2 and quite often only got partial fills yet charged for a full one Theres somewhere out past the hub that does bigger bottle fills and aparantly prices are quite reasonable, might be jacks machinery, cant remember off the top of my head
whatever you do put something under the bottom of tanks too, a bit of poly or towel etc. on a hard surface a single stone or similar can cause the bottom of the tank to crack, i have learnt this the hard way.
all forms of hunting from bunnies right up to bambis. Close second comes fishing, either fresh or saltwater does me fine. Team sport would have to be cricket, love it
One of the places i stay when i go hunting has its own waterwheel being powered from a small creek, it runs something similar to a car altenator which charges a few small batteries which then goes to an inverter into the house. Cost aound $5,000 to setup and powers my mates house lights, tv, fridge, stereo, chiller for animals etc and all it requires is a stream with a bit of flow. and the help of gravity Has been running for 10 years or so straight providing the house with free and continuous power and causes zero pollution. WHY ARE WE NOT USEING THIS???
We have met the enemy and here's his photo.
paul_r replied to preacher's topic in New Zealand Natives
bambi died humanely, one second was eating breakfast on a clearing in the bush the next had a 7mm08 round through its lungs/heart and dropped on the spot, was the same story for bambi 2 later on in the day aswell. I carried them both out, back hated it but worth it, no meat goes to waste and if you only take the back legs you have nothing to make salamis etc. after all the hard work carrying, boning out etc tasted beautiful!!!! better than any meat from the supermarket -
When away from home the network will consist of just the router & PC The laptop will be referencing files, both the laptop and PC users will be working on MYOB at the same time. I have tried to set up a VPN but since ive never set up one before its a bit over my head. i can get it working when both machines are at home but can see me having issues getting it to work when the laptop is away from home. I have also been thinking that useing Remote Desktop Connection might be the way to go to log onto the PC when away from home. Then im not sure if RDC will work on the version of XP they are running How do you rate team viewer? easy enough for users that arnt very computer literate?
Ive got a quick question re: networking. I am helping out a family friend with some computer issues they are having. They have: PC running xp Laptop running vista Specs arnt anything flash but enough for day to day use. While both machines are at home and plugged into the router ive set it up so the laptop can access the c: of the PC and its able to run version 19 MYOB at same time the user on the PC (has multi user license) this is working fine. Now they would like me to set it up so that when the laptop is away from home it can still access the c: of the PC and run MYOB. Of course when away from home it will need an internet connection and the PC will need to be turned on. Can anyone give some advice on how to get the network setup, i am computer literate but network is something ive done very little of Thanks
We have met the enemy and here's his photo.
paul_r replied to preacher's topic in New Zealand Natives
my dinner from a few days ago entree Main pudding it was a hard days hunting & fishing but well worth it -
We have met the enemy and here's his photo.
paul_r replied to preacher's topic in New Zealand Natives
Stella smoking trout, or any fish is really simple To prepare fish 1. Gut the fish and pull out the gills 2. Hang overnight with flax or rope through the gills (for best taste) 3. slice down one side of the spine from head to tail, slice head in half if you like the brains/eyes etc 4. alot of people have different ways but some cut down the other side of spine also and take the spine out 5. Lay fish flat on a tray, give liberal coating of brown sugar and salt. a little bit of lemon pepper doesnt hurt either. Leave in fridge for half an hour or so and the salt/sugar will turn into a nice sticky goo. To smoke the fish There are many different types of smokers, i prefer useing smokehouses and smoking for 3 or 4 hours, the ones hunting and fishing/warehouse etc sell smoke/cook the fish fast (30 minutes or so) and are nice when hot but seem to loose their flavour and texture once they go cold The small box smokers use meths and manuka sawdust and are really simple to use, basically put meths and sawdust in smoker, place fish on the rack, light the meths and close lid and come back 20-30 minutes later 1. if useing a smokehouse/44 gallon drum etc i light a fire usually useing manuka, a small fire will do, let it burn for 10 minutes or so to produce some embers 2. Place fish skin down on a rack above fire, higher up the better 3. Place 1 or 2 pieces of manuka on embers and close up the door or equivalent 4. check fire occasionaly make sure there is no flames and its smoking away, top up wood where nessecary 5. we usually smoke for 1-4 hours, the longer the better and the fish comes out beautiful. You ideally want to have no flame so the fish is smoked rather than cooked -
We have met the enemy and here's his photo.
paul_r replied to preacher's topic in New Zealand Natives
mmmmm thatd make for tasty dinner tonight -
xbox 360s have a bad reputation of getting RROD but i must say microsoft is excellant when it comes to replacing/repairing them, i know ive had it twice. Halo reach is best halo so far, very similar to the original with the best parts of the other versions added in. Havnt had any reason to buy a ps3 yet but GT5 will be released shortly and the new final fantasy (14?) looks awesome too so may have to get a ps3 aswell
Worth it all just to play Halo Reach
im thinking since hes from huntly area he could have fished them out of the river in the first place and had no clue re legalities etc
its *only an extra 2.2% more than what we have already been paying. Ive been helping clients setup new versions of Quickbooks and MYOB and im suprised how many have commented that their suppliers are going to be continueing to supply goods at the old cost (inclusive of new GST rate) so our clients can continue to sell the same goods at the old price. Tax cuts aswell so means more money in my pocket...my main bills are loan payments and rent, there is no GST on these so no increase
I wouldnt have hesitated to pull the .22 from the safe and place a round between the strays eyes on first sight of it would have cost 10-20c per bullet and problem solved, would have been no vet bill in the first place Wild/stray cats are nasty and a huge threat to the environment
World of water - Hamilton Wonderworld aquarium & pet centre - Rotorua (i think thats the name)
off topic but where di you get it from and how much? absolutly stunning fish
my jewels were the most agressive fish i have ever owned, started with 7, until the dominant male killed all except one female. would even attack my finger in the water. Then again id gaven 2 of his brothers & sisters to a friend and his live peacefully in a community tank with lots of tetras etc, wouldnt harm anything
a pair of jewel cichlids!!!!!!! these things rock, would love to be able to have some again Will decimate any live fish big enough to fit in their mouth almost as soon as they hit the water and have a great personality and look amazing