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Everything posted by coelacanth

  1. no, translucent pale-whitish are good eggs. Dull white are unfertilised. You'll probably only get a few like that, and you'll see the difference immediately.
  2. if left where they are the eggs or fry will certainly be eaten. However they are easy to remove and hatch. I just use my fingers to wiggle them off the glass but most people use a credit card or something like that. The eggs are very tough so can be handled safely (but not TOO roughly!). They are also sticky so will attach to your fingers when removing them (Corydoras like making life easy for their carers ). If you have a spare tank fill it with the same water from the tank and stick the eggs on the side of it, then leave them to hatch (it will take several days). White eggs are infertile. If you don't have a spare tank something like an ice-cream container will work just as well. Float it in the main tank to maintain the temperature (doesn't look good but who cares right?). The fry can be raised on brine shrimp or just on commercial container foods.
  3. World Cup? What's that? Something to do with fish? 8)
  4. oh well better here than on the streets
  5. the Steatocranus spp don't come from the Rift Lakes, so don't need (or probably even like) hard water. Just normal aquarium water is fine, same as for any community-type fish. They grow at a reasonable pace (not too slow). Don't know about lifespan, but I'd guess around five to ten years?
  6. I've never had one, but the scientific name is Nymphoides aquatica
  7. what have you been smoking?
  8. I used to have a breeding pair in a 2ft tank with just an undergravel filter and lots of rocks. They don't grow very big, breed easily, and are easy to sex. Only come in the grey colour. In the wild they live in swift-flowing cool waters, so keep them at about 22-24, but lots of water movement isn't really necessary in a tank (but it certainly won't hurt).
  9. personally I think at least four
  10. looks like an alligator snapper. Would be helpful if you provided a link or two to where you got the photo
  11. yep, the 4ft one. The fish are smaller than they look in the photos, eg the crimson cleaner was about 10cm, the drummer about 5cm
  12. how much have you spent on it so far, if that isn't an impertinant question
  13. Southern Encounter Aquarium in Christchurch
  14. sorry, misleading title to thread. The fish aren't my personal fish, I just look after them. Yes we already have butterfly perch.
  15. here are a few pics. All NZ species. Top to bottom, two-spot demoiselle; drummer; Sandager's wrasse; crimson cleaner wrasse; half-banded perch. And yes that is a nasty background behind the wrasses.
  16. I've got one small one currently, about 10cm long. He hates black ghosts so I had to move him away from them, but the only other thing he has a problem with is horse-face loaches. Go figure.
  17. I have started using an Animates Club Card for the algae. About the only good use for it...
  18. yes I know (the cockroach bit: the rest is between you and your brain)
  19. I thought he was talking about the 24" vs 41cm part...
  20. indeed, those damn pesky imported newts infesting my house. Lol. Wrong thread perchance?
  21. I doubt red-tails have ever been legally imported into NZ
  22. I missed the bit about tyre-track eels. Yes I would agree, stick to one or the other not both.
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